Good morning! I haven't visited the Front Porch yet. Camera has this thing about light. It insists that there be some kinda light or it flat refuses to take any picture that isn't totally black. It's picky and always wanting something. Then, on top of that, Phone ALWAYS sides with Camera. I'm out numbered and out voted all the time. I figure if I can see it, they should be able to as well, right? I guess it doesn't work that way. Ok, pouts over for today. The We-Guessers have declared it to be a 32° day, at the moment, with 66% humidity, 7 mph westerly winds and fair skies. OBACE will check it out later. Gonna shower, get ready for work and THEN I'll visit the FP. Back later with pics I hope. Cus the heads got nuttin' floatin' around in it this morning.
No visitors and all I got is a WIP for ya. BUT!! I looked for an October WIP to compare and what a difference a month makes!!! Here is today's WIP:
Next up is October 24th's WIP:
One more! Here is September 26th's WIP:
Enuf with the WIP's already. OBACE was in concurrence with the We-Guessers except for the windage. We are having gusts that are a whole lot faster than 7 mph guys!!! Go tap the meters or step outside or something, cus you got it wrong LIARS!!!! :) I suppose it's infantile of me to sling that word. But... it had to happen!! Ya know, it must be awful to be Mother Nature's scapegoat. I feel bad for the Weather People. They do the best they can with the tools they have. But so far, man has not come up with a way to predict the weather. Not the We-Guessers fault. However, I don't see my favorite epithet disappearing from the FPR any time soon!
A Great Grand and Glorious day to you, my Fellow Travelers. As Spock would say, "Live Long And Prosper!!"