gOOD MORNING FROM THE fRONT pORCH. Oops. Stupid caps lock. Ok, one more time :) Good morning from the Front Porch. I was out a cou[l e of hours ago to taks pictures and test the effecientcy of the OBACE. We-guessers claimed 40 BLASTED NUNLOVK! Umm... this is do gonna be an unedited post. Me anf the keyboard are at ODDS this morning. Might be a bit amusing to leave all as typed. Anyway, the we-guessers clained 40° on the Front Porch. The OBACE thought "um, no, freezing much!" But then the temperture gauge installed in OBACE is a fickle thing and I question its accuracy beyond cold, nice and hot. 86% humidity cannot be denied or confirmed by OBACE, as it is not equipped with the necessary tools with witch which to judge. Excellent tools are in place to dispute the state of the winds if necessary. But the we-giessers and OBACE cuncur as to the lack of movement in the air this morning. Then we come to the we-guressers claim of overcast skies. Oh yeah, i can feel the bellows inflating!! The wind is gonna move now!!
The optical sensory input devices installed in OBACE may well be dimming but not so much that the beautiful blue skies peeking thru the clouds didn't register with absolute certainty. And with immence pleasure I might add. We also have the photographic proof in the WIP. Gorgeous day out there!! Sicne I got places to be and things to do I nust sign off. But not before I wish you all an Awesome, Amusing and Amazing day!! Love to You- And Happiness too!
Wait! I had a coupkle of flyby visitors.
Hard to see but the crows are there! Not to mention more blue slies. The we-guessers do the best they can. All epithet slinging aside, I appreciate the job they do. But that won't stop the lungs from inflating or the wind from moving when I disagree with them!! :)
Onwaed! Witcher 2 awaitsd!!
Onwaed! Witcher 2 awaitsd!!