Sunday, November 20, 2016

Ladybug Ladybug

Raining. The Front Porch was getting rained on just hard enuf that Camera and Phone out voted me when it came to stepping outside. It's barely a rain. And a warm rain at that, it being 47°. But NOO-oh-oooo. Phone and Camera colluded against me and flat refused to go out the door. Ok, yeah, I get it, wet plus electronic devices can be a death sentence, but... alright already, they were the smart ones. *humphf* Rounding out the current weather conditions, as reported only by the Weather-Guessers since OBACE was shackled behind the storm door by Phone and Camera, we have Light Rain, 93% humidity, and 7 mph easterly winds. Phone and Camera's opinions aside, it sounds like a nice Autumn day to me. Warm enuf to enjoy getting a little wet, while also enjoying the wonderful music such a rain makes when it falls. I'm feeling a little denied here. Enuf whining and pouting. Moving on. My visitors are getting fewer and fewer. It happens with the onset of colder weather. So I'll take any visit I get. Including this diminutive darling while I was eating my lunch yesterday.
I had a terrible time getting her to pose for a picture. I ended up with 3 dozen blurry shots caused by her constant moving. Well, so I want to believe. Just before she flew off, I figured out that the poor thing was trying to warm herself up in the sun and I kept blocking the rays. This was the only semi decent shot I got before she departed. I was also rather distracted with a desire to eat. Still, isn't she purdy? She wasn't the only visitor I had at lunchtime. A tiny lil' guy in the shape of a black spider appeared out of nowhere on my hand. My reaction was so violent that he was flung to parts unknown before my brain registered his ACTUAL size. As a result, I have no portrait to share. And lastly, as lunchtime came to an end, I had one more visitor. HI BABY SIS! It was good to see you yesterday!!  No portrait, as that would violate my own personal rules regarding this Blog (ptooey).
May all your lunchtime visitors be delightful as mine were yesterday, my Fellow Travelers. 
Love and Happiness to you as always.