Friday, November 25, 2016

Can We Say Scrooge

Black Friday? Sounds ominous. I'll stay inside my cozy den and enjoy an unexpected day off. MANY THANKS to the scheduler of the schedule who scheduled me this day off! I stepped out on the Front Porch, took a WIP, looked to the left, looked to the right, checked the weather on Phone, (35°, 89% humidity, calm winds and overcast skies), glanced up to the left, glanced to the right and stepped back inside. All done. Here's the one and only pic I saw fit to take while out there.
It's just so... I don't know... underwhelming, in a deja vu, been there done that, seen it already kinda way. But it was all I had! Until the decorating began! Christmas season has begun in this house! So here is a photo of the first thing decorated!
Can we say Scrooge? Or maybe Bah Humbug?
May your Christmas Season be an AWESOME one, Travelers!! 
Love and Happiness to you!