Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Can't Seem To Shake The I Got Nuttin's

A few clouds? Really, people? It's overcast. No blue in the see-able sky at all. Doesn't that qualify as overcast? The We-Guessers have been granted a reprieve. I guess putting 'few' in front of clouds is ambiguous enough to keep the bellows empty this morning. Vocal cords are a bit disappointed. The current weather is thus, 41°, 79% humidity, calm winds and 'a few clouds'. It's actually very nice out. I sat comfortably in the M Woods for quite a long time. No visitors unless I count the bug that drown in my tea when I wasn't looking or the crow fleeing for his life when he realized I was watching him. This blurry picture of his retreat is all he let me take.
Have a Great Grand and Glorious day, my Fellow Travelers. Live Laugh Love and keep Dreaming!!!