Monday, November 28, 2016

The Weather and The WIP

Good morning! There is a very bright light in the sky. It's called the Sun. I'm told there's a good chance of seeing it at 10:45 in the AM if you're lucky enuf to be able to visit the Front Porch at that time and the sky is clear. Who knew. This serves to remind me how often, make that almost never, I actually get outdoors to "play" during the day. "Work work work. Moles and trolls." Didn't that bright light throw some beautiful shadows on the ground?! Most WIP's cannot illustrated the current weather conditions very well. This one is no exception. Those will come when we have a blizzard. Today we'll start with the fair skies. Even tho you cannot see the sky, the shadows kinda give away the fact that the sun is indeed shining. Still, not very well illustrated. 53% humidity. I admit defeat here. Without a psychrometer, aka hygrometer, strategically propped in the foreground of the WIP, or a torrential downpour, the pictures will never be able to reveal the humidity on any given day. So it is also with the temp. Without a thermometer you are forced to take my word that it is 39° out there. And then we have the vrbl 7 mph winds. Winds that make it feel like it's a toe freezing 34° on the Porch. It's very difficult to photograph moving air unless there is something moving around in it. Have you ever considered just how much the weather influences our day and the decisions we make? Everything from how we're gonna dress to where we're gonna go and what we're gonna do. Powerful thing, that weather. So, there you have it. The weather and the WIP. May your weather never get boring or alarming, and may your decisions made because of the weather always be wise ones! LIVE LAUGH LOVE my Fellow Travelers!