Friday, November 4, 2016

I Got Nuttin' Part 15

Good morning. Haven't been to the Front Porch yet. Too dark. For an effective WIP, Camera needs light. A flash just doesn't cut it. I can give you the weather. I just can't illustrate it yet. Let's see what the weather guessers are claiming this morning... 39°, 93% humidity, calm winds and fog/mist, so the report says. Don't know if the big L gets to come screaming outta the tunnel or not. We'll find out inna bit. At the moment I got nuttin'. Maybe when I finish this I'll got sumpin'. Since the We-Guessers are saying fog/mist I must take Camera out to play while it's dark. Because the flash does fun things when there is water in the air! Be back later!
Well, I got out there too late to play with the flash. That's what I get for thinking I might 'enjoy' a cup of coffee first. Oh, but it's a beautiful day out there! A tad misty so my lungs were a bit disappointed when they had to deflate their bellows. All ready to sling the big L, they were, but a tad misty qualifies as a correct guess. I still got nuttin'. No sense staring at a bright computer screen working up a headache about it. So, my Fellow Travelers, may you have a spectacularly splendiferous day! Love and Happiness I wish for you, always!
One last leaf picture. I'll try to remember I said 'last picture'. :)

The gratuitous selfy.