OBACE is having serious navigational issues this morning. Can't seem to find it's way to the Front Porch. The We-Guessers have declared it to be 34° out there. Coupled with the fact that it is also very dark outdoors at the moment and OBACE has stubbornly chosen to veer off course each time the Front Porch has been imputed into it's mainframe. The guidance control peripherals, aka feet, keep going off course and landing OBACE in front of the coffee maker, the refrigerator or the computer rather than the front door. The internal IT is working on the issue as we type. We'll get back to you when this rebellious malfunction has been resolved... Success. OBACE has completed it's mission and is now downloading visual data into Computer. I got nuttin' but pictures for ya. And of the 18 pictures I took today, 18 of them came out blurry. But yer gettin' a couple of them anyway. The WIP, of course, boring as it may be. Shortly it's costume will change with the onset of winter. Won't be so boring then. At first, anyway. But I digress. The WIP-
Then we have FUNGUS! Yes, I'm still finding fungus!
A beautiful specimen in our back yard!
Next pics are from yesterday. As I left for work, I took a mosey around the yard. Birds everywhere!! They moved too fast to get a decent photo but I got a screenshot of a Chickadee that wasn't too timid and allowed me to video his forage for breakfast.
And check out this seed pod! Tiny! I only spotted it cus the sun was making it sparkle.
Frost crystals! I thought it was just the pattern of the little leaves til I looked closer at the picture! It's amazing how much can be found and seen in one front yard!
And, just cus I can, the next in a long line of gratuitous selfys.
Must report the weather. OBACE vs the We-Guessers. Both stayed in their respective corners as they concurred on the status of the weather. 34°, fair skies, calm winds and 92% hunidity. ... Why do I always hit the n instead of the m? Brain Cramp Syndrome? I tell ya, me and the squiggly red line of 'dumb' are becoming all too familiar with each other. May your life be spared too close a familiarity with the dread squiggly red line. Love to you, my Fellow Travelers of the Universe. And happiness, too!!