Saturday, November 5, 2016

I Got Nuttin' Part 16

Nuttin'. I got nuttin'. But I haven't been outside yet. Thank goodness for the weather else I'd have nothing to talk about. Weather Guessers have declared it to be 30°, overcast, with 88% humidity and calm winds. This has yet to be confirmed by the Organic Bipedal Anthropomorphic Climate Evaluator, aka Me. Time to shift into gear, I guess. There is a Porch waiting to be sat on and a camera waiting to be used. Ok, ok, alright. I'm getting up now... any minute... I felt a toe twitch... and we finally have liftoff.
Cold. I took 5 whole pictures. Fanny never got planted because my fingers painfully expressed their desire to be back inside NOW. I agree with the We-Guessers this morning. That means no reducing myself to infantile name calling. So it's come to this: nuttin'. I still got nuttin'. May your days of nuttin' be few and far between, my Fellow Travelers. Look Listen and Learn if you dare. There is so much to know!!! And, as always, Love and Happiness to you.