Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Squirrel Battle

Gray outside. Gray days are actually kinda awesome. You don't hafta squint when ya look around ergo no squint headache. Standing on the Front Porch the traffic noise was low. The predominate noises were the Bluejays, the Nuthatches and a neighbor hocking up a lung. UGH. Coulda done without that particular aural intrusion. Me, my coffee, Camera and Phone stood out there for quite awhile, enjoying 39 rather warm degrees, and delightful vrbl 3 mph breeze. A deliciously wonderful morning. Until our neighbor triggered the gag reflex. 30 minutes later I'm still trying to convince my stomach vomiting isn't necessary, or even an option and that it's ok to relax and settle down. I'm just making it worse babbling about it. On to better things. Yesterday as I rolled down the street headed for work, 2 squirrels bolted out right in front of the car. I know, it doesn't sound better, but it is. These 2 were so focused on what they were doing, they either didn't see me or didn't care. One was being chased by the other in what appeared to be a very serious, "blood will be shed if I catch you" pursuit. It was amazing how the distance between the 2 never varied. I was driving rather slow, even by the neighborhood's standards, when they first appeared to the left of me. I came to a complete stop without hitting either one then watched as they finished crossing the street toward the yard on my right. Before reaching the yard, however, the lead squirrel circled back around toward the car, leading both directly UNDER it! They went around the right front tire, I assume, came back into view directly in front of the car, circled toward the right, then veered back UNDER the car AGAIN! I lost track of them at this point, but a few seconds later I saw them bolting straight up a tree in yard to my right. How the battle ended I will never know, but I'm glad both survived the close encounter with my car. I admit I thoroughly enjoyed the brief show, once I had the car stationary, and I sincerely hope no blood was shed in the aftermath. May your day be gag free and full of amusement, my Fellow Travelers!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

I Got Nuttin' Part 19+

Good morning, I love you, I must be off! I am feeling mightily rushed right now, so this is gonna be another "I got nuttin' " days. I'm predicting a lot of those til the Christmas rush is thru. Weather says possible snow today... LIA... wait, I can't sling that yet. The snow hasn't not happened yet. The We-Gue's keep predicting snow and IT ain't happened yet. Let's have one more YET, for yet's sake.! I must give the We-Gue's their due. We did have snow once as predicted. On Thanksgiving. The half dozen times they predicted it since, well, let's just say LIARS!  That purdy much says it all. Summed it up in one word. Yet, I continue to babble. Weather! 31°, 85% hue-ma-ditty, calm winds and overcast skies.
And... I'm OFF! Toodles Travelers! May yer feet always find a warm spot in the cold!! 

Monday, November 28, 2016

The Weather and The WIP

Good morning! There is a very bright light in the sky. It's called the Sun. I'm told there's a good chance of seeing it at 10:45 in the AM if you're lucky enuf to be able to visit the Front Porch at that time and the sky is clear. Who knew. This serves to remind me how often, make that almost never, I actually get outdoors to "play" during the day. "Work work work. Moles and trolls." Didn't that bright light throw some beautiful shadows on the ground?! Most WIP's cannot illustrated the current weather conditions very well. This one is no exception. Those will come when we have a blizzard. Today we'll start with the fair skies. Even tho you cannot see the sky, the shadows kinda give away the fact that the sun is indeed shining. Still, not very well illustrated. 53% humidity. I admit defeat here. Without a psychrometer, aka hygrometer, strategically propped in the foreground of the WIP, or a torrential downpour, the pictures will never be able to reveal the humidity on any given day. So it is also with the temp. Without a thermometer you are forced to take my word that it is 39° out there. And then we have the vrbl 7 mph winds. Winds that make it feel like it's a toe freezing 34° on the Porch. It's very difficult to photograph moving air unless there is something moving around in it. Have you ever considered just how much the weather influences our day and the decisions we make? Everything from how we're gonna dress to where we're gonna go and what we're gonna do. Powerful thing, that weather. So, there you have it. The weather and the WIP. May your weather never get boring or alarming, and may your decisions made because of the weather always be wise ones! LIVE LAUGH LOVE my Fellow Travelers!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

No Morning Mosey

No morning mosey. No reason other than I don't wanna. BUT!, I do have a WIP for ya. Ta-Da! And
 Et voila!

Overcast with 38°, 86%  humidity, calm winds. Looks accurate. OBACE is stubbornly refusing to turn on this morning, so a visual assessment will hafta do. Kinda drizzly and wet out there. And it feels chilly. I wish we had more turkey. I love turkey. I loved this years turkey. I want more turkey. Oh, and A's mashed potatoes were AWESOME. I want more mashed potatoes and turkey. With that AWESOME gravy ALL over them both!!! And another one of those huge dinner rolls dripping with butter. Mmmmm, that's what I'm wantin'! I'm hungry!... May you always have your fill, my Fellow Travelers, of whatever the "turkey" is in your life. Bon appetit!!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Where's My Coffee?

6 AM and all is dark. Camera heaved a "some people just never learn" heavy sigh both times I ventured out to the Front Porch for a WIP this morning. It's a rather pleasant 36°. I had no need for a sweater while I was out and about tossing leftover grapes for the squirrels and chipmunks. Humidity is hovering at 97%, winds are calm and the We-Gue's have declared it to be foggy/misty. OBACE agrees completely. Now if the sun... oooo! I must go see what Phone will do with the fog!!! BRB!... Ok, both Phone and Camera had a little fun with the Fog/Mist while I stood out there long enuf in my shirt sleeves to start feeling the cold. Here is Phone's rendition of 
"Fog/Mist In The Dark With Flash' -
Where's my coffee?... 
Next is Camera's rendition of the same piece-
Both are great WIP's. Perfectly illustrating the current weather comdidiont... seriously... comdidiont?.. my turn, *HEAVY SIGH*...  I have had to correct close to half the words in this post. What is it with me and keyboards!?! And no wonder it takes me so BLASTED long to type a 15 or 20 second babble!!! *HUMPHF* Where's my coffee!?... Doncha hate it when a hair gets under yer shirt and you think it's a bug? Have a great day, Fellow Travelers and may lots of good things wonder into your sphere of existence!!  Je t'aime!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Can We Say Scrooge

Black Friday? Sounds ominous. I'll stay inside my cozy den and enjoy an unexpected day off. MANY THANKS to the scheduler of the schedule who scheduled me this day off! I stepped out on the Front Porch, took a WIP, looked to the left, looked to the right, checked the weather on Phone, (35°, 89% humidity, calm winds and overcast skies), glanced up to the left, glanced to the right and stepped back inside. All done. Here's the one and only pic I saw fit to take while out there.
It's just so... I don't know... underwhelming, in a deja vu, been there done that, seen it already kinda way. But it was all I had! Until the decorating began! Christmas season has begun in this house! So here is a photo of the first thing decorated!
Can we say Scrooge? Or maybe Bah Humbug?
May your Christmas Season be an AWESOME one, Travelers!! 
Love and Happiness to you!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Turkey Day!!

The Front Porch and I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Omnivore here! I admit! I love turkey! I look forward to it every year. The aroma of cooking turkey is sweet anticipation! The We-Guessers have predicted a slight chance of snow sometime today. The word 'slight' quashes my propensity to name-call the We-Gue's if they're wrong. How clever of them. Anyway, 32 nicely tolerable degrees, with mostly cloudy skies, 82% humidity and calm winds were all verified by OBACE during our visit onto the Front Porch. Gonna be a good Turkey Day!
In today's WIP
you can just make out the Sun trying to peek thru the clouds and trees in the upper left quadrant. Quadrant... don't think I have ever had occasion to use the word before. I don't think it's being used properly in this instance. A picture most typically is a  parallelogram. I guess quadrant refers to a different shape. Whatever. Butchering the English language is a hobby of mine! I love you, my Fellow Travelers! Have a wonderful day and feast without guilt. Today only comes once a year and all the media manipulation that feeds our guilt about eating can be... can be... well, hang on. I gotta think. Need to come up with something cleaner than my first thoughts.Working on it... umm... media manipulation plus guilt equals... Thesaurus time! ... Ok, Thesaurus came to the rescue!! I couldn't choose. They are all great words for media manipulation, so you get 'em all!:
I hope those are all clean. If they aren't, well, umm, whoopsie. My bad.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

What A Difference

Good morning! I haven't visited the Front Porch yet. Camera has this thing about light. It insists that there be some kinda light or it flat refuses to take any picture that isn't totally black. It's picky and always wanting something. Then, on top of that, Phone ALWAYS sides with Camera. I'm out numbered and out voted all the time. I figure if I can see it, they should be able to as well, right? I guess it doesn't work that way. Ok, pouts over for today. The We-Guessers have declared it to be a 32° day, at the moment, with 66% humidity, 7 mph westerly winds and fair skies. OBACE will check it out later. Gonna shower, get ready for work and THEN I'll visit the FP. Back later with pics I hope. Cus the heads got nuttin' floatin' around in it this morning.

 No visitors and all I got is a WIP for ya. BUT!! I looked for an October WIP to compare and what a difference a month makes!!! Here is today's WIP:
 Next up is October 24th's WIP:
One more! Here is September 26th's WIP:

Enuf with the WIP's already. OBACE was in concurrence with the We-Guessers except for the windage. We are having gusts that are a whole lot faster than 7 mph guys!!! Go tap the meters or step outside or something, cus you got it wrong LIARS!!!! :) I suppose it's infantile of me to sling that word. But... it had to happen!! Ya know, it must be awful to be Mother Nature's scapegoat. I feel bad for the Weather People. They do the best they can with the tools they have. But so far, man has not come up with a way to predict the weather. Not the We-Guessers fault. However, I don't see my favorite epithet disappearing from the FPR any time soon!
A Great Grand and Glorious day to you, my Fellow Travelers. As Spock would say, "Live Long And Prosper!!"

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Mama Trying On Some New Clothes

Mother Nature is trying on some new clothes! Today's WIP shows off her first choice for Winter. She's preparing. Currently it is 30° with 79% humidity, cloudy skies and calm winds. Snowed all day yesterday, but there was zero accumulation. An extremely light snow. At times I couldn't see it, but I felt it when I stepped outside. Camera and I were pleasantly surprised to see a light coating of white this morning.

Ghost Footsies on the Front Porch!! :)

7:45 last night. Camera and I were out playing in the falling snow. Really, that is snow. It's not dust on Camera's lens, I promise.
Te quiero Travelers. May the weather be with you today, whatever your endeavors! :)

Goodbye Goosie

Monday, November 21, 2016

First Snow

I woke up, chose my clothes for work, headed for the shower and realized this is my day off. I woulda humphfed but it struck me funny. I put my clothes away and crawled back into bed. Then I remembered the snow falling last night! I flung the covers back, grabbed the cord and raised the mini-blind... ya know, that poor mini-blind shrieks like a banshee whenever I raise or lower it. I know that "banshee" is an apt description because... wait a sec... just how would one know how a banshee sounds when it's shrieking? I certainly don't. Banshee's are mythological. So what makes a "banshee shriek" an apt description? Digressions. Ya gotta love 'em... Anyway, the startled glances towards the house of the head-lamp bedecked walker and the 2 dogs leading her around the block kinda let me know how horrible my blind sounds. Time for a new window dressing. But, where was I? Oh yes, snow. There was none falling and no accumulation. Well, very little. So, back to bed with me. 3 hours later and the WIP shows a smattering of snow, if you look hard enuf.
The We-Guessers have had a bit of luck on their side this morning. The conditions they are reporting, 34°, 89% humidity, overcast skies and 5 mph SW winds, seems to be a good guess. That means there will be no banshee-like shrieking of my favorite moniker reserved just for them and politicians. We're done here. This is boring. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Have a good day my Fellow Travelers! The 6 L's and the big D are waiting to see what they can share with you today!!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Ladybug Ladybug

Raining. The Front Porch was getting rained on just hard enuf that Camera and Phone out voted me when it came to stepping outside. It's barely a rain. And a warm rain at that, it being 47°. But NOO-oh-oooo. Phone and Camera colluded against me and flat refused to go out the door. Ok, yeah, I get it, wet plus electronic devices can be a death sentence, but... alright already, they were the smart ones. *humphf* Rounding out the current weather conditions, as reported only by the Weather-Guessers since OBACE was shackled behind the storm door by Phone and Camera, we have Light Rain, 93% humidity, and 7 mph easterly winds. Phone and Camera's opinions aside, it sounds like a nice Autumn day to me. Warm enuf to enjoy getting a little wet, while also enjoying the wonderful music such a rain makes when it falls. I'm feeling a little denied here. Enuf whining and pouting. Moving on. My visitors are getting fewer and fewer. It happens with the onset of colder weather. So I'll take any visit I get. Including this diminutive darling while I was eating my lunch yesterday.
I had a terrible time getting her to pose for a picture. I ended up with 3 dozen blurry shots caused by her constant moving. Well, so I want to believe. Just before she flew off, I figured out that the poor thing was trying to warm herself up in the sun and I kept blocking the rays. This was the only semi decent shot I got before she departed. I was also rather distracted with a desire to eat. Still, isn't she purdy? She wasn't the only visitor I had at lunchtime. A tiny lil' guy in the shape of a black spider appeared out of nowhere on my hand. My reaction was so violent that he was flung to parts unknown before my brain registered his ACTUAL size. As a result, I have no portrait to share. And lastly, as lunchtime came to an end, I had one more visitor. HI BABY SIS! It was good to see you yesterday!!  No portrait, as that would violate my own personal rules regarding this Blog (ptooey).
May all your lunchtime visitors be delightful as mine were yesterday, my Fellow Travelers. 
Love and Happiness to you as always.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Deeks Or Geese

Saturday mornings on the Front Porch are always so quiet. The traffic noise is minimal and all the neighborhood seems to sleep in. While drinking a cup of hot tea, Phone, Camera and I were enjoying this peace and admiring the moon
when about 50 geese or duck... :) my head wants me to say deeks :) what the hey!, when about 50 geese or deeks flew over head making quite the commotion. Of course I, caught in mid sip, was too slow to cease sipping, put cup down, grab Camera and Phone, heave my girth off the Porch, ungracefully lumber to the street, find the quickly departing fowl, attempt to focus Camera on said fowl, to try and capture a decent evidentiary photo.
A pathetic picture. 3 blurry blobs. Stragglers flying through in a pink sunrise sky. Coulda been a decent picture. Woulda been a decent picture had Camera been in the hands of a faster moving expert photographer. The absence of the power lines would have been helpful, too. Wow, that's a lot of power lines. Never noticed them before. I think I would have had superb observational skills, if I had any. Anyway, just after the last of the deeks/geese flew past
I heard at least a dozen or more loud deep booms that led me to believe some of the deeks or geese just became someones dinner tonight. At least I hope they are someones dinner. Sport hunting seems such a waste to me. Combine the 'sport' with dinner and I have no issue. We all need sustenance. I have 2 questions rolling around my head after my deeks/geese encounter. First, were they deeks or geese? And second, without thinking to snap an evidentiary photo (blast it), was the entire deeks/geese encounter a clever ploy to move me away from my cup of tea so another kamikaze bug could dive in and drown?!?  HUMPHF!! Another perfectly delicious cup of tea down the drain. I thought bug season was over! HUMPHF!!
OBACE and the We-Guessers are in concurrence with regards the weather. 40°, 89% humidity, fair skies and calm winds. Another beautiful autumn morning. I hope your Autumn has been a great one and although we have another month of Autumn to go, I will pre-wish for you that your winter be great as well!! Vive bene, Spesso l'amore, Di risata molto, Travelers!!  

Friday, November 18, 2016

A Dark But Delicious Morning

Good morning. Trash day. I knew you were just dying to know that. OBACE turned itself on while navigating the terrain between the Front Porch and the waste can as I was taking my trash out. It registered a mild morning temp, a cool breeze and clear skies. If OBACE ever had a humidity detector it has long been non-operational. Once OBACE re-navigated the terrain back to the Front Porch, I took over and had Phone check the WE-Guessers version of the current weather conditions. Turns out OBACE and the We-Guessers agree. 43 lovely, and I'm talking LOVELY, degrees out with 80% humidity, fair skies and a 5 mph breeze. A BEAUTIFUL autumn morning. And we had a lovely moon peeking thru the tree limbs. May all your morning weather recipes be delicious in their own unique way, my Fellow Travelers. Love and Happiness I wish for you all thru the day!!
It was dark out there. But delicious. And a beautiful moon helped light the way to the street.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

*Heavy Sigh*

*Heavy Sigh* Got nuttin'. Please forgive. Can't seem to shake the mood. I'm working on it tho! Ain't given up. I do have the weather report and the WIP. Currently the we-guessers have us at 46° with overcast skies, 86% humidity and calm winds. OBACE concurs.
Oh, and see that cup of tea?
I can happily report that no bug drown in this cup on this morning. That's a good thing. Hey. Cool. Didn't see the tree's reflection in the tea until just now. Cool.
Te quiero, Travelers.
Keep feeding those Dreams, I know it's hard sometimes. Change them, re-order them, tweak them, re-think them, but don't give up on them. You're their only hope.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Rain And A Double WIP

58°, 90% humidity, 8 mph easterly winds, and overcast. Rain. It's raining out. Normally that's not so rare an occurrence here, but we have had a dry spring and summer. So dry that people never complained about the rain. They gratefully accepted any and all that we got. I wonder how many have had to deal with dry wells. That would not be pleasant at all. I remember 2 days of no water a few years back. Couldn't take a shower, wash clothes or dishes, water gardens, not that I had a garden to water. Even worse, couldn't flush the toilets.
Phone and Camera, my constant companions, bravely stepped out onto the Front Porch with me to snap today's WIP. Phone likes to turn on the flash and play with the rain. Occasionally an awesome picture comes from it. Today's WIP may not be in the 'awesome' category but Phone managed to catch the rain in action.
Phone's a good phone. It's not his fault he is ignored so much by his service company.

It's a double Wip day. I had to. I have nothing else to share. And Camera was feeling a bit left out. He managed to catch one of the indigenous life forms in this area as it left for whatever hunting grounds it finds a paycheck at. I'll be leaving for my own hunting grounds here shortly. Have a great day my Fellow Travelers. Each day is such a gift. No matter the hardships, tribulations or lack of rain, so much exists to Love Laugh and Live for. Love and Happiness to you as always, my adored ones!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Can't Seem To Shake The I Got Nuttin's

A few clouds? Really, people? It's overcast. No blue in the see-able sky at all. Doesn't that qualify as overcast? The We-Guessers have been granted a reprieve. I guess putting 'few' in front of clouds is ambiguous enough to keep the bellows empty this morning. Vocal cords are a bit disappointed. The current weather is thus, 41°, 79% humidity, calm winds and 'a few clouds'. It's actually very nice out. I sat comfortably in the M Woods for quite a long time. No visitors unless I count the bug that drown in my tea when I wasn't looking or the crow fleeing for his life when he realized I was watching him. This blurry picture of his retreat is all he let me take.
Have a Great Grand and Glorious day, my Fellow Travelers. Live Laugh Love and keep Dreaming!!!

Monday, November 14, 2016

M Woods Trees

September 29, 2016. Looking up at the M Woods Trees.

October 06, just one week later.

October17, a week and a half after that.

And today, November 14, almost a month after the last one.
Te quiero, Travelers!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

What Graceful Part

43° and I'm cold? I've said it often enuf that all who know me have heard it and are probably tired of the constant repeat, but AGE SUCKS!! *heavy sigh* I must accept and gracefully enter into the nighttime of life, as my time in the sun is waning. I'm working on the acceptance part. I'm finding it easier and easier to surrender the things of youth, even though I keep saying things, planning things and buying things like I'm still young and energetic. Only then to have all these great things never happen or never get used. I'm learning. Slowly. As for the graceful part... if I ever even had any graceful I'm certainly not using it now! Bruised knuckles from close encounters with door knobs and jambs, snapped toes from close encounters with the same jambs and poorly positioned furniture, and now a scratched nose from my own thumbnail!! What kinda grace is that? Done here! Moving on!!
The WIP, aside from trying to illustrate the 43°, 60% humidity and 3 mph SW winds, has some flyby visitors in it! There were actually half a dozen seagulls gracefully flying overhead, but I'm not quick on the draw. I managed to capture three gulls in the picture, but I admit one looks like an unfallen leaf clinging to the tree. Pointing Camera up gave the WIP a nice perspective and shows off a beautiful morning sky!!
May your day be filled with beautiful skies, wonderful visitors and grace, my Fellow Travelers of the Universe. Love and Happiness to you, as always.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

I Got Nuttin' Part 18 aka More Weather

Here's a 6:30 am WIP.
28°, fair skies, calm winds and 63% humidity. Now, if I remember, I'll take a later WIP and we'll compare the two. I'd take one when I get home tonight but Camera struggles when it's totally dark. Ich liebe dich, te quiero, je t'aime and I love you, my Fellow Travelers of the Universe. Fare thee well and adeiu until about, oh, 2 hours from now, when we'll do this again. :)...

Here's an 8:00 am WIP.
30°, fair skies, calm winds and 58% humidity. Not exactly 2 hours but there's bit of a difference. Must ready for work now. May your day be Bright, Beautiful and Blessed with the best life has to offer!

A painting.
I've never been a fan of still lifes but I fell in love at first sight with this painting. Es Bella! :) Es Bella! Lifts my heart when I look at it. One of the many impulse buys I have enjoyed in my life. As far as I know, there's no such thing as flowers like these. But then, if I wanted realism I would go with photography, a fantastically beautiful art form in it's own right. The question is, "Now, what do I do with it?!?"! No matter. I have six days to return it, if I must.

Friday, November 11, 2016

If It Weren't For The Weather I'd Have Nuttin'

Good morning from the M Woods. The temp is 45° of beautiful. To finish rounding out the current weather quadriptych we have 68% humidity, partly cloudy skies amd calm winds. Winds that are not calm at all. I mean, seriously, when I can sit and watch the smaller trees, the very ones that you can see in the Wip, sway back and forth, the winds are NOT calm. However, they aren't exactly gale force either. Doesn't take a lot of wind to move the skinnier trees back and forth. There was a sizable murder of Crows out and about the Woods this morning, making quite the racket. This one posed for me. From a safe distance, of course. Way over in the neighbors yard. Still managed to keep a close eye on me for his brood mates foraging around the neighbors lawn.
Te quiero Travelers! And a good day to you!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Nuttin' Nuttin' Nuttin'

Good morning. The Front Porch is enjoying 28°, fair skies, calm winds and 85% humidity at the monent. What is it with me and the n and m keys? MoMent. Moment is what I wanted. Anyway, the weather. I was able to enjoy the Front Porch for quite awhile before Fingers said "Hey. Gettin' cold here." Feet and Toes snapped to attention and immediately brought Fingers inside to thaw out. Heart and Camera were dragged along with them, complaining the entire way that they weren't done yet. Head and Eyes couldn't focus on anything this morning, so Heart and Camera were out voted. Hey... my glasses just proved their worth. I went to sip my freshly nuked coffee and both lenses fogged up instantly, which captured my attention, which delayed the ingestion of said nuked coffee, which prevented a severely scalded tongue, which prevented an immediate negative mood change, which is a good thing. The Front Porch, no actually it was the Back Porch, had a visitor. But he just couldn't bring himself to sit still for a picture.
Done. I'm done. I got nuttin', obviously. But even when I got nuttin' I ALWAYS got a wish and a declaration for you, my Fellow Universe Travelers. My wish for you- Live Laugh Love Look Listen and Learn all that you can and will, amd may Happiness pervade and triumph over all else. My declaration- love to you, always.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Nuttin' Is Gettin' Boring *Humphf*

OBACE is having serious navigational issues this morning. Can't seem to find it's way to the Front Porch. The We-Guessers have declared it to be 34° out there. Coupled with the fact that it is also very dark outdoors at the moment and OBACE has stubbornly chosen to veer off course each time the Front Porch has been imputed into it's mainframe. The guidance control peripherals, aka feet, keep going off course and landing OBACE in front of the coffee maker, the refrigerator or the computer rather than the front door. The internal IT is working on the issue as we type. We'll get back to you when this rebellious malfunction has been resolved... Success. OBACE has completed it's mission and is now downloading visual data into Computer. I got nuttin' but pictures for ya. And of the 18 pictures I took today, 18 of them came out blurry. But yer gettin' a couple of them anyway. The WIP, of course, boring as it may be. Shortly it's costume will change with the onset of winter. Won't be so boring then. At first, anyway. But I digress. The WIP-
Then we have FUNGUS! Yes, I'm still finding fungus!
A beautiful specimen in our back yard!
 Next pics are from yesterday. As I left for work, I took a mosey around the yard. Birds everywhere!! They moved too fast to get a decent photo but I got a screenshot of a Chickadee that wasn't too timid and allowed me to video his forage for breakfast.
And check out this seed pod! Tiny! I only spotted it cus the sun was making it sparkle.
Frost crystals! I thought it was just the pattern of the little leaves til I looked closer at the picture! It's amazing how much can be found and seen in one front yard!
And, just cus I can, the next in a long line of gratuitous selfys.
Must report the weather. OBACE vs the We-Guessers. Both stayed in their respective corners as they concurred on the status of the weather. 34°, fair skies, calm winds and 92% hunidity. ... Why do I always hit the n instead of the m? Brain Cramp Syndrome?  I tell ya, me and the squiggly red line of 'dumb' are becoming all too familiar with each other. May your life be spared too close a familiarity with the dread squiggly red line. Love to you, my Fellow Travelers of the Universe. And happiness, too!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

I Got Nuttin' Part 17

Frosty 29° on the Front Porch. 29° that made lingering out on the steps or moseying the yards no option this morning. Fingers can't seem to handle the cold like they used to. Soon I'll be taking the WIP looking THROUGH the storm door. Winter and it's special brand of beautiful is coming. I got nuttin' for ya today except a fungus picture. And here I thought the fungus collecting was over! Since my Jack 'O Lantern collection was such a miserable failure, I was kinda happy to see a tiny tiny little mushroom in the yard yesterday afternoon.
May your winter be a beautiful one, Travelers. Te quiero.