Friday, February 3, 2017

A Wonderful Steed

Trusty's back! What a wonderful steed. His visit to the car doctor resulted in a bill that was anything BUT wonderful. However, it wasn't so bad that I wanted to curse all mechanics to their own personal Hades. Weather! It's cold. A one WIP visit to the Front Porch. No lingering. I was back inside before the door could swing shut. 10° at the moment. Fair skies, calm winds and 76% humidity. Humidity is always much higher in the morning. Ok, not always, actually, but often. It's plain to see I got nothin' this morning. Done now. May you have a three G day and a plethora of the 6 L's pass your way!!
May 2012. Throwback to a warmer season.
A great place to sit outside and a lovely Mother's day gift sitting on the table!