Sunday, February 5, 2017

Many Visits Today

Wait!! I just smelled my coffee!!! It's ready!...
Hey! I finally got a weather update to go with my Weather Illustration Picture, aka the WIP. 25°, 63% humidity, calm winds (liars, there's a tiny breeze out there) and overcast skies.
I had two visitors this morning. More, actually, if you count the Crows that woke me. But there is no photographic evidence of their visit as I was snug in a warm bed thinking "go find breakfast somewhere else." Anyway, two visitors. First up, a lovely Gray Squirrel I do not recognize. She... I don't know why I am referring to this one as a she. Her fur coat is unfamiliar to me. A lovely fur she's wearing, tho!

Lovely, isn't she!? Next up, TWITCHY!! I hadn't seen Twitch inna a few days and was starting to worry a bit. I LOVE THIS PIC! Umm, it's not a good pic. It's still ME pressing the shutter button. But I caught Twitch in mid stretch!!
Just finished stretching the left paw and then went immediately into a right paw stretch! CUTE!!
May you always have visitors of the lovely and cute persuasion, whatever lovely and cute might be to you! 
Musta been a dozen of 'em! Can't shoot a decent pic thru the window fer NUTTIN'! But here it is anyway.
They like the peanuts!
Dude? Still sleeping in the bottom bunk I see.