Monday, February 27, 2017

Having The Sky

I checked the weather and when I saw 32° and fair skies. I thought "Cool. Another warm morning." I shoulda checked the rest of the weather before I moseyed out onto the Front Porch. The 9 mph winds with the 20 mph gusts sucked the warmth outta my fingers and set them to aching in record time! BRRR. A Crow stopped by for a visit. He let me video tape him for a few seconds, which resulted in this screenshot silhouette.
Silhouette... that's a tough word... anyway, Crow promptly flew off and landed in a tree across the street where he ended up gracing todays WIP.
He's there. Just hard to see. The tiny blob at the very top of a bare tree in the right middle, upper middle part of the picture. ? Um, that makes no sense at all. Don't give yourself a headache like I did trying to look for him. After posing for the WIP, Crow flew off to parts unknown.
Aside from the obvious predatory danger brought on by complete exposure, do you suppose it's wonderful, having the sky as your playground?