Saturday, February 11, 2017

It Must Be The Tires

Another snow day. This is becoming... costly, to say the least. I've never had so much trouble driving in the snow. I'm starting to think something is wrong with the car. Denial? Perhaps it's me? Seriously tho, I am ALL over the road and I have NEVER had this much trouble before. *heavy sigh* Tires. I'm less than 5 thousand miles into a set of 20,000 miles tires and they act bald already. Alright, enuf fussin'. 
Anybody see the moon last night? Beautiful. But then, when is the moon NOT beautiful? 
Have a good day, my beloved Fellow Travelers. Stay safe, stay warm and try to be Happy!
I posted without OBACE and the We-Gues getting to spout off about the current conditions. Snow. Yep, no argument there as it was falling all over me on the Front Porch. 9°. Yep, it's COLD out there. 5 mph winds. Yep, my lips, nose and toes felt the 0° wind chill immediately. 77% humidity. If they say so. :)