Wednesday, February 15, 2017

A Bunch Of The Little Things

15°, 88% humidity, calm winds and mostly cloudy skies. HEY!! I spelled skies right!! The little things. They really do matter. We got another storm coming sometime today. A foot of snow predicted with this one. Bring it on! We got L and a snowblower!! Thank you, L. You rock!!
Here's todays WIP:
It's really rather beautiful out on the Front porch. Finger numbing, yes, but still beautiful. I tried to engage the senses this morning. I haven't done that, deliberately, in quite a while. I saw, and it was beautiful. I felt, and it was cold. I heard, and the birds were musically lovely. I tasted, and was surprised that the mist my breath made in the air actually had a taste! I'm thinking it would have been nicer tasting had I brushed my teeth first. And then I smelled, and the deep breathe I took thru my nose not only froze my nose hairs, but launched me immediately into an very explosive coughing fit. Good Morning, Neighbors! This is your wake up call! Watch out for that first deep inhale! 
I went in for a closeup of Trusty:
Good ole' Trusty. Waiting patiently to convey me to work. As you can see we got a lotta snow outta that last storm. Wonder how much of Trusty I'll be able to see from the Porch after today's storm. There were no visitors today. If anything was inclined to visit, I didn't give them a chance. I was outside for all of 2 minutes, max. I did step off the Porch to try and get a picture of Twitchy's footprints thru the snow. I think they're Twitchy's. Small enuf to be.
Ok. Can't see them in a picture this size. My bad, but I ain't deleting.
One last little thing:
Ever try to take a picture with nimitz on? For me, it proved physically impossible yesterday. Nimitz... I know I've said it before, but I'm saying it again, my B-Baby couldn't say mittens when she was a toddler. It was nimitz. And nimitz they shall always be, to me!!
Love and Happiness to you, my much loved Travelers of this much loved Universe!! May your nimitz always keep your hands warm!!