Thursday, February 9, 2017

Pretty Rose Color

Today's WIP is being brought to you by the chilly, and let's not forget frosty, 24 Degrees, the not quite arid but moisture depleting 57% Humidity, the gray, tempest looking Overcast Sky and last but not least, the 7 mph NE Wind that precedes a storm that those in this region have come to refer to as, da da da daaa... a Nor'Easter. Let's hear it for the band, as they start off this concert with their big hit, "Current Conditions!" 
There was a pretty rose color in the air this morning when I stepped out on the Front Porch. Camera couldn't quite catch it. I love it when there's color in the air! It was chilly, as well. My toes involuntarily curled as far as possible into the furthest reaches of their slippers. Made for a difficult time hobbling back into the house as they refused the brains command to ten-hut. Mutinous digits!
No visitors today. 
Have a good one and may you have no difficulties keeping yer toes in line.
Love and Happiness to you, my Fellow Travelers of the Universe!