Good morning, Travelers. This mornings weather on the Front Porch is rather nice for a winter day. 38 very tolerable degrees, 86% humidity and NO, the skies are not overcast. There's a fair amount of beautiful blue peeking thru the MOSTLY CLOUDY skies. And absolutely NO, the winds are not calm! WINDY is more like it. If ever the We-Guessers deserved the Upset Uvula, today is the day, but... hold on ... the WEE-GEE's updated their guesses. Well, look at that. Much changes in the dawning hours. We are now at !!!BLUEJAY!!! --- Heard the screech but couldn't find him.--- Back to our original programing. The dish Mother Nature is serving up right now is 37 degrees of 70% humidity with overcast ... really, weegee's, com'on! Too much blue in that sky to be OVERCAST!! A more apt observation would be mostly cloudy, you.. you ... WEATHER GUESSERS! They got the 6 mph winds right. Feels good outside. I like it. Chippy looked like he was enjoying the warm as well.
I got nuttin' so I'm gonna leave you with the usual, but sincere wish. Have a Great Grand and Glorious day, Travelers. May Love and Happiness be your, ALWAYS.