Sunday, February 19, 2017

A Tree Full Of Birds

Stepped onto the Front Porch this morning to a tree full of birds. They shot for parts unknown when I appeared on the Porch. Coulda been the loud, shotgun sounding bang the Porch made when it was stepped on. Chickadees. A large amount of Chickadees. This guy actually posed for a picture before following the flock off to wherever.. 
And then there was what appeared to be a single Nuthatch.
 He hung around for a bit. Literally. 
I love the way they spend so much time hanging upside down. Couldn't see or hear his mate, if he had one.
Next up, the WIP-
This WIP is supposed to be illustrating the 30°, 92% humidity, calm winds and fair skies we are currently experiencing. I think it's doing a fine job. Got nuttin'. I'm done here. May all your visitors be pleasant ones, Travelers! 
Tastes good today.