Tuesday, February 28, 2017

I May Got Nuttin' But I Feel Good

I got nuttin' this morning. Head is empty. As usual, I must resort to that ancient practice of using the weather for something to say. 27°, 81% humidity, calm winds and fair skies. OBACE accepts the weather-guessers evaluation of the current conditions. no arguing or epithet slinging. In other words, more nuttin'. But HEY! I feel good this morning!
Time to ready for work and head on down that road. Have a great day, Travelers, and may you always feel good. It's the best way to be!!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Having The Sky

I checked the weather and when I saw 32° and fair skies. I thought "Cool. Another warm morning." I shoulda checked the rest of the weather before I moseyed out onto the Front Porch. The 9 mph winds with the 20 mph gusts sucked the warmth outta my fingers and set them to aching in record time! BRRR. A Crow stopped by for a visit. He let me video tape him for a few seconds, which resulted in this screenshot silhouette.
Silhouette... that's a tough word... anyway, Crow promptly flew off and landed in a tree across the street where he ended up gracing todays WIP.
He's there. Just hard to see. The tiny blob at the very top of a bare tree in the right middle, upper middle part of the picture. ? Um, that makes no sense at all. Don't give yourself a headache like I did trying to look for him. After posing for the WIP, Crow flew off to parts unknown.
Aside from the obvious predatory danger brought on by complete exposure, do you suppose it's wonderful, having the sky as your playground?

Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Usual But Sincere Wish

Good morning, Travelers. This mornings weather on the Front Porch is rather nice for a winter day. 38 very tolerable degrees, 86% humidity and NO, the skies are not overcast. There's a fair amount of beautiful blue peeking thru the MOSTLY CLOUDY skies. And absolutely NO, the winds are not calm! WINDY is more like it. If ever the We-Guessers deserved the Upset Uvula, today is the day, but... hold on ... the WEE-GEE's updated their guesses. Well, look at that. Much changes in the dawning hours. We are now at  !!!BLUEJAY!!! --- Heard the screech but couldn't find him.--- Back to our original programing. The dish Mother Nature is serving up right now is 37 degrees of 70% humidity with overcast ... really, weegee's, com'on! Too much blue in that sky to be OVERCAST!! A more apt observation would be mostly cloudy, you.. you ... WEATHER GUESSERS! They got the 6 mph winds right. Feels good outside. I like it. Chippy looked like he was enjoying the warm as well.
I got nuttin' so I'm gonna leave you with the usual, but sincere wish. Have a Great Grand and Glorious day, Travelers. May Love and Happiness be your, ALWAYS.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

With The Flash Without The Flash

Foggy out on the Front Porch. And warm! 42° warm! 96% humidity along with calm winds and fog completes the weather recipe today. OBACE and the WE-Gues are in complete agreement. I heard something in the M Woods when I stepped out so I quickly woke up Camera, instructed it to ready the flash and ... nothin'. BUT! I was delightfully reminded how much Camera's flash loves to play with the fog!
If there is an opossum or cat or dog or skunk (no odoriferous evidence of that being the case) I cannot find it in the picture. But I love how Camera's pictures come out in the fog! Here's the same pic without the flash.
 What a difference! Ok, one more pic and I'm outta here.
Same pic, 20 minutes later.
I'm off!
Have a three G day, Travelers!

Friday, February 24, 2017

Humphrey Days

According to the Weather-Guessers it is ... blasted phone service... does waving the phone in the air REALLY help or does it just make fools of those who try it? *humphf*... All right all ready, I'm steppin' outside. Maybe waving the phone out there will help.
Hadta power down Phone completely then power back up before it could barely catch a signal from it's TOTALLY incompetent service. *humphf* Already a double humphf day and it's just started. *HUMPHF!*
And look how dark it is out there. How is OBACE supposed to take a WIP of the current weather conditions if it's so dark, hmm, I ask you!?!
Hey! At least this site is cooperating with me this morning. Yesterday none of the commands I gave it were executed without some kind of cajoling and keyboard banging. Poor keyboard. Not it's fault after all. Working perfectly fine this morning. I'm surprised, after all the abuse I gave it yesterday.
Weather. Back to the weather. According to the We-Gues it's ... I have a toothache...  most likely the reason behind the attitude this morning. *humphf*  Where was I?... Ah yes, the weather. We-Gues say it's 34° on the Front Porch. OBACE agrees. There is also mutual agreement with the winds being calm. Regarding the 92% humidity, OBACE must take the We-Gues word for it. But never without a severe squint. As for the fair skies, there is some dispute. Not the kind that will result in uvula flinging, but it really is mostly cloudy, not fair. However, fair slies does allow for some measure of clouds in the sky. *humphf* 
Might rain today! I like rain! I imagine if I were living in an area beset with monsoon seasons I might feel otherwise. But I don't so I don't. I need to shut-up! I thank any poor soul who has tolerated this humphf rant and may your day be a humphf free... (tee hee.. Humphrey! Those days have been officially named!) may your days be Humphrey days, my fellow Travelers! Love and Happiness to you, FOREVER!
WAIT! Steppin' out for another WIP. Let's see what the day looks like in the dawn's first light!
39 minutes!!?? This pathetic humphf rant took 39 minutes!? WOW. Kinda puts things into perspective. Can't illustrate the weather but, in this WIP, there's a star winking in and out of the clouds. 
That beautiful pre-dawn blue... makes all the humphfs go away...

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Pneumatic Brace

Good morning! Haven't been to the Front Porch. Too dark yet. Yesterday, when L got home I asked if he needed help as he was carrying something heavy thru the front doors. He asked if I would please close the doors behind him. He had used the pneumatic brace to prop open the storm door. "Sure!" I said. Well, I reached down and pushed the button on the brace and... nothin'. I pushed the button again... nothin'. I tried the front of the button... nothin'. I tried the back of the button... nothin'. I tried to slide the button forward... nothin'. I tried to slide the button back... nothin'. I got down on my hand and knees and searched for any type of release around the button... nothin'. I tried to see if there were any other movable parts besides the button... nothin'. By now I'm thinking it's something obvious and I'm missing it. So I get my face real close to the brace and... nothin'. At least nothin' obvious.  Humphf. I stand up ready to call L and admit defeat, when GOOGLE pops into my head. I abandon the open storm door, shut the front door, beat it down stairs to my wonderful computer and ask GOOGLE just how the h**l do I shut a storm door that is stuck open!? Well, actually, I omitted the expletive. Anyway, that's where I learned the term "pneumatic brace" and that apparently I am not the only dense star in the universe of storm doors. The answer popped up immediately and happily announced that over 18 thousand people had viewed this web page. "To close the door, slightly push the door further open and release. The door will then close on its own." I did and it did! That's the second time in 2 weeks my face burned red. I'm thinking maybe the infusion of blood will help my complexion. 
Weather: 28° of freezing fog, 88% humidity and calm winds. So sayeth the We-Gues. Time to rev up OBACE and manuever it out to the Front Porch. 
Be right back!
OBACE completely concurs with the We-Gues this morning.
There is definitely a fog hanging over us and it's freezing out there!
I'm off. Works beckons and, gee, I'm ready this morning! LIVE LAUGH and LOVE my Fellow Travelers of this most excellent Universe!
Hmm... this site is not cooperating with me today.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Need To Refocus

Above is a 6:23am WIP. A 36° WIP. That explains why I was able to stand out on the Front Porch for so long contemplating life's ups and downs - 
CARDINAL!!  Blast. Missed him. BUT! A gray squirrel came for a visit.
He wasn't grooming so much as attacking the dry skin itch. I so feel his pain right now!! - BLUEJAYS!!
They moved too fast for me to get a picture, other than that blurry blob in the bottom middle. Humphf. They're so pretty, but certainly not inclined to pose for a portrait. Gray, however, did pose for me the second time around.
And while out there the second time, some color showed up in the sky. So, of course, the blue sky called for another WIP. A 6:57am WIP.
34 minute difference. Then these lovelies flew overhead!
The picture cannot tell you but I can. Geese. And they are flying North. I'm thinking they know spring is coming.
I got nothin' but more codswallop. Can't figure why. The Porch was a busy, beautiful and wonderful place this morning. AND, I have the day off today. I should be inna a "LIFE IS GOOD" moment. *heavy sigh* I need to refocus. I'll work on it!
Have a three G day Travelers and may much Love and Happiness be yours!
Upon rereading I finally realized EXACTLY what's wrong with my focus this morning. That BLASTED dry skin itch. I watched it drive Gray crazy for a long time with complete empathy. Dry skin is maddening!! But I know how to partially relieve my skin and it's torment, which will help with the refocus! 
The day may not be lost!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Good morning from the Front Porch. Feels like I was just here. WIP time-
The weather illustration picture is supposed to show the 17° of fair slies (whyhyhyhy, why do I type slies?) and calm winds, along with the 80% humidity that we all know a photo cannot show. Unless maybe you photograph someone sweating bullets. Even then, the sweat bullets could be the result of an intense cardio workout and have nothing to do with humidity at all. DIGRESSIONS! Ya gotta love 'em! Back to the WIP. Too dark. But the moon ... I love the moon. I guess a  new work schedule is going to necessitate a new F.P.R schedule. I can do that! If I remember... I need to go out and see if the Crow I hear right now will pose for a picture. All was so peacefully quiet on the Front Porch earlier. I didn't even hear the hum of traffic. That's always nice. Anyway, be right back...
In the neighbors yard the Crow was. Couldn't get a good picture.
Not so dark at 6:15 as opposed to 5:56. Dawn comes fast! Gotta go. Works beckons. And since I need my paycheck, I must answer!!
Nothing but codswallop today.
Toodles Travelers! Have a Great Grand and Glorious day!!
Codswallop... means nonsense. I can't help wondering if it is a vulgar expression. Sounds like one. Can't check now! Must run!

Monday, February 20, 2017

AM and PM WIPs

On my way to bed and it occurred to me I never posted today! Well... I.... but... yeah, but... I... whuuh!
Today, the am WIP was taken at 8:23 and the weather at the time was 35° with 52% humidity, 6 mph winds that had my wind chimes singing a beautiful melody and overcast skies. The overcast cleared up and we ended up with a mild and sunny day.
The pm WIP was taken at 9:17 and the weather is currently 34° with 42% humidity, calm winds and fair skies.
Goodnight Travelers and may the sweetest of dreams pass your way tonight!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

A Tree Full Of Birds

Stepped onto the Front Porch this morning to a tree full of birds. They shot for parts unknown when I appeared on the Porch. Coulda been the loud, shotgun sounding bang the Porch made when it was stepped on. Chickadees. A large amount of Chickadees. This guy actually posed for a picture before following the flock off to wherever.. 
And then there was what appeared to be a single Nuthatch.
 He hung around for a bit. Literally. 
I love the way they spend so much time hanging upside down. Couldn't see or hear his mate, if he had one.
Next up, the WIP-
This WIP is supposed to be illustrating the 30°, 92% humidity, calm winds and fair skies we are currently experiencing. I think it's doing a fine job. Got nuttin'. I'm done here. May all your visitors be pleasant ones, Travelers! 
Tastes good today.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

A 16 Minute Difference

I made a cup of coffee this morning and promptly let it go completely cold before even taking a single sip. There is something hideously wrong with that. Can't quite figure out what, but there must be. Into the nuker it went. Where it was promptly left to go completely cold again! I find coffee to be a vile tasting beverage to begin with. I drink it to stop the jaw popping yawns. But double nuked coffee... it goes beyond vile into absolutely repulsive!! Moving on. Here's a WIP taken this morning at 6:05am-
And here is a WIP taken this morning at 6:21am:
What a huge difference 16 minutes can make, right!? There's an important life lesson in there somewhere, but my brain can't find it. I'm hoping your brain can. As for me and mine, I'm blaming the repulsive sip of coffee I wasn't bright enuf to spit out this morning. Moving on, again. The current conditions to go with the WIP are, 19°, 77% humidity, calm winds and mostly cloudy skies. See that Moon in the pictures? It confirmed the mostly cloudy slies... slies yet again... heavy sigh... mostly cloudy was confirmed by the winking and blinking of the Moon as the clouds passed over it. I was forced to time my picture snapping just right so as to digitally capture the light from the Moon. My "fleshy extension located in the soft palette at the back of the throat" was a bit disappointed as it had snapped to attention at the first sight of the Moon only to sag dejectedly back into place when the Moon disappeared behind the clouds. Perhaps it's the vile coffee that puts my uvula in a vile, epithet slinging mood. Moving on, once more. May your morning be sweetened and enhanced by a beverage that your uvula finds enjoyable. Love and Happiness to you, my treasured Fellow Travelers.

Friday, February 17, 2017

That Lovely Predawn Blue

Trusty got stuck on a LITTLE rise in the road yesterday. Took me 10 minutes to get up said rise and then another 20 feet or so before I got enuf traction to start moving normally again. 10 minutes to move 25 feet! In an extremely busy intersection!! My face was so hot. Musta been beet red! I'm betting I lost half the tread life on my tires yesterday. The smallest amount of pressure on the gas pedal spun the wheels. But HEY! Good ole Trusty got me going again without having to call for help! What a steed!!
It was blue and beautiful when I stepped out on the Front Porch! The predawn blue is so pretty here!
The Moon and a single star/planet (not sure which or who) made for a spectacular Good Morning.
What do we have for the current weather... lemme see... piffle! Forgot to take a screen shot. Well, look at that! Phone is getting some cooperation from it's incompetent service this morning. We have, according to the We-Gues, 24° of chilliness, 65% humidity, fair skies and 6 mph winds. Winds which sent me scurrying like Twitchy back into the warmth of the house after snapping only 4 pictures. 2 of which were blurry. No visitors. It was some kinda of peaceful out there. Oh, and OBACE completely concurs with the We-Gues weather assessment. Now, just cus I can, a couple of pics from yesterday:
The last one was taken at work. It struck me, when I looked at the picture, at how fitting the fence is. Sometimes, that's exactly how I feel at work. Fenced in. But not so much anymore. 
And that's a good thing.
May your job never make you feel 'fenced in', Travelers. 
Love and Happiness to you!!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Winter Wonderland

Woke up to a winter wonderland!
Wonderfully beautiful! And exhausting. Shoveling that stuff was tough. It's wet, heavy snow. But it's SOOO pretty!
I can see one of Trusty's tires!
Wow. The mailbox across the street is practically buried. I gotta run out for an "after the shoveling" picture! And it's not so dark and blue out. Although I do love it when it's blue out! BRB.
Still beautiful!! And I had a visitor!!
Bluejay! Making his Bluejay noises. 
This next picture is a missed photo-op. The three of them were moving so fast I couldn't get the camera on them in time. And the snow hid them anyway. 2 dogs pulling their human around on a sled! What a way to walk the dogs! Looked like they were loving it!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

A Bunch Of The Little Things

15°, 88% humidity, calm winds and mostly cloudy skies. HEY!! I spelled skies right!! The little things. They really do matter. We got another storm coming sometime today. A foot of snow predicted with this one. Bring it on! We got L and a snowblower!! Thank you, L. You rock!!
Here's todays WIP:
It's really rather beautiful out on the Front porch. Finger numbing, yes, but still beautiful. I tried to engage the senses this morning. I haven't done that, deliberately, in quite a while. I saw, and it was beautiful. I felt, and it was cold. I heard, and the birds were musically lovely. I tasted, and was surprised that the mist my breath made in the air actually had a taste! I'm thinking it would have been nicer tasting had I brushed my teeth first. And then I smelled, and the deep breathe I took thru my nose not only froze my nose hairs, but launched me immediately into an very explosive coughing fit. Good Morning, Neighbors! This is your wake up call! Watch out for that first deep inhale! 
I went in for a closeup of Trusty:
Good ole' Trusty. Waiting patiently to convey me to work. As you can see we got a lotta snow outta that last storm. Wonder how much of Trusty I'll be able to see from the Porch after today's storm. There were no visitors today. If anything was inclined to visit, I didn't give them a chance. I was outside for all of 2 minutes, max. I did step off the Porch to try and get a picture of Twitchy's footprints thru the snow. I think they're Twitchy's. Small enuf to be.
Ok. Can't see them in a picture this size. My bad, but I ain't deleting.
One last little thing:
Ever try to take a picture with nimitz on? For me, it proved physically impossible yesterday. Nimitz... I know I've said it before, but I'm saying it again, my B-Baby couldn't say mittens when she was a toddler. It was nimitz. And nimitz they shall always be, to me!!
Love and Happiness to you, my much loved Travelers of this much loved Universe!! May your nimitz always keep your hands warm!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Job Is A Funny Word

Brrr. 6° of it. The air is calm tho. Boy were the winds howling yesterday. I heard a rather large tree branch snap somewhere around the house. We have fair slies at the moment and ... why why why do I insist it's slies? Since I correct the word every time I misspell it, I can't illustrate how often it happens. At least 90% of the time! *heavy sigh* ... fair sKies at the moment and 83% humidity. A brisk February day. I would like to report that Trusty and I are fine! Not that anything happened, mind you. But I had begun to think something was wrong with one or both of us. Turns out it's the road conditions! People have been sharing their recent experiences on the road and neither the tires or vehicles make a difference. All, even those with heavy trucks wearing studded snow tires, are suffering from spinning wheels, sliding up to stop signs and lights, fishtailing around corners and skidding past their turns. Trusty is behaving like every other vehicle on the road, perfectly normal given the conditions. Perfectly normal but DANGEROUS. Not to mention heart pounding, headache inducing and stressful. But I feel better knowing I am not losing my driving skills. Such as they are. How 'bout a WIP?
   It's getting lighter and lighter in the morning. Has been for awhile, but I'm just now really seeing it. A couple of Crows flew by. One is in the picture. I wonder if they are the same ones who have been coming for breakfast. Slogging thru knee high snow to put food out in the usual spot just isn't gonna happen. Any food I threw out would probably sink in the snow and no bird or squirrel would be able to find it anyway. I must rethink my winter bird feeding impulses. Must be a way, and a place that works for all. I said the W word. Work work work! It has started its siren song to lure me from a perfectly warm house into the cold and onto the streets we just discussed so I can be pressed into servitude. I do need my paycheck. Onward!!
May you all find a job that you love, because, as "they" say, If you love what you do for a living, you'll never have to work for it! When I think about that, it makes sense! 
Love and Happiness I wish for you! And a job you love, so it's never a job!
Job is a funny word isn't it?
Job... sounds like yer barking. Or spittin' something nasty outta yer mouth. Yeah! Kinda like Blog!
"Don't spit. It's a 500 dollar fine if you spit."

Monday, February 13, 2017

A Snow Day and Geralt

Good morning from not quite the Front Porch. Couldn't open the door wide enuf to let OBACE out for a weather evaluation. The Weather-Guessers have declared the current conditions to be thus, 22° with snow/freezing fog, 84% humidity and 7 mph winds, giving us a wind chill of 13°. The official snowfall total from this recent storm for the city of ******* is 9.5 inches. 
 I would write it bigger, in an uglier color and with more vehemence but this is the best I can do with the settings I'm given to play with.
That snow up to L's knees!! And, yes I understand the whole "drift" factor. But the snow was up to our knees EVERYWHERE! Not just in the drifts!
 I have a date with Geralt of Rivia today. Look! He dressed up in his best duds!
Now to go find some arachas (spiders-ugh!) or ghouls (ugh!) for the Witcher to dispatch, post-haste!
Toodles Travelers!
I LIKE snow days! 
When I have a good game to play!
And Pepsi!
Let's not forget the Pepsi!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Where's The Hot Chocolate

Doncha love the warmth a chimney promises. Well, yer own chimney, anyway. Can't very well go barging in on the neighbors and announce "I've come to enjoy the warmth your chimney promises! Where's the hot chocolate!?" How rude. It is currently... ah, com'on phone. Don't fail me now... Hang on while I go walk around the house waving Phone in the air in hopes of catching a signal... I'm back. Currently we are enjoying a mix of Snow and Freezing Fog combined with 24°, 88% humidity and 5 mph winds giving us a wind chill of 18°. We have a blizzard warning in effect until 7pm tomorrow. Possible snow accumulation between now and the end of the storm Monday night - 14 to 24 inches. Where's the hot chocolate?
May you have a warm mug of - insert favorite hot beverage here - to keep the hands thawed and the gullet happy whenever there is a storm!!! 
I gotta say that S can cook up a fantastic ham dinner. Had I thought about it, I would have photographed a before picture. I didn't so here's an after photo.
You'll just have to take my word for it, it was FABULOUS!! I would go get seconds if I wasn't so blasted full!