What a difference a day can make, right? It goes without saying I am taking the day off. I talked to my boss yesterday so they were forewarned of my impending absence. But even if I were inclined to make an attempt to get to work, the plows haven't been down our street yet.
Ok. Experiment coming. You're my test subjects. Let's see if this works...
Well, I guess I'm gonna hafta save it and see. There will be definite updates during proof reading.
HEY!! It worked! I can STILL be taught!!
You poor things... not only can I inflict nuttin' days and boring weather illustration pictures upon you, but now, you will probably hafta endure boring video's as well! I'm LOVIN! this! Not the infliction of nuttin' and boring, mind you, but the new way to play with the Front Porch Report!
That means instead of a single Peacock Spider picture, I can put all that I have in a single video. Although, if you wish to see truly beautiful videos of the spiders dancing you must check out Jurgen Otto's (aka Peacockspiderman) videos on YouTube. They're brilliant.
Toodles, Travelers.
I'm gonna go enjoy my snow day off and make some videos! Starting with the Peacock Spider compilation. Which I will add here upon completion... if I remember.
Upon proof reading I feel the need to say that today's WIP looks 'foggy'. It's not fog, it's falling snow. Lots and lots of snowflakes making it look like a fog. Which is why I didn't go out on the Front Porch. I just thrust Samcam out the door and started depressing the shutter button. This storm I will enjoy from inside, warm and snug while looking out the window. I must also add that, although the Spider compilation was fun to make, the pictures are fuzzy screenshots and I'm too lazy to name them. So, first, here's a pic of Maratus Mungaich in all his colorful glory.
And second,
The Peacock Spider Parade!
Time to enjoy the weather. Where's my coffee?...
Hold on. It occurs to me that the "weather report" which is the second reason for the Front Porch Report, was completely neglected. So, without further ado, the current conditions are thus:
Light Snow/Freezing Fog (maybe it IS foggy out there!?)
96% humidity
and Vrbl 5 mph winds
Expected weather:
34° High
North winds up to 15 mph
Snow until 3 pm with another 3 to 5 inches accumulation.
Alrighty then.