Bacon.... wonderful bacon. The vegetarian in me is appalled at my indulgence, but the carnivore is wonderfully delighted. I just have to figure out how to get the two to live together peacefully. Co-existence. The key to a peaceful existence. That's fine for my veggie-saur and carni-vore, but what about the poor pig? Why am I pondering this when I need to get ready for work?
The current weather conditions are thus-
25° aka Chilly
85% humidity aka Dampish
Calm winds aka Still
Fair skies aka Clear
Chilly, Dampish, Still and Clear. Hold on! That means the morning is
Clear and
Ok, that's just silly.
Spider time! I think this may be my last Spider picture-
Maratus Vespa. Vespa is Latin for wasp.
I have one more picture, so I will double up today and be done.
Maratus Tessellatus. Hmm... tessellatus, I guess, means chequered. Tessella are small paving stones...? Something to do with mosaic floors. Further research is required since the abbreviated version ain't providing clear understanding this morning. I may not be to clear about your name, Dude, but it's catchy.
I need a WIP to go with the Dampish Stilly Clear and Chilly morning.
One last star shining in the predawn sky.
Have a good day!