Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Big Storm Today

It didn't snow last night. So our snow days streak was broken at 4 days in a row. But the storm hitting today is supposed to leave us with 14 to 22 inches total before it leaves tomorrow night. Then another, smaller storm moves in Thursday. 
Current conditions are 32°, overcast (it's not snowing yet), 78% humidity and 6 mph winds. It feels great on the Front Porch. It's a warm 32° even with the wind blowing. That means we're gonna get hit with the heavy, sticky snow. The kind that causes so much trouble driving on the roads and is so hard to move with a shovel or blower.
Forecast for today is Heavy Snow and Breezy, with a high of 33, north winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts up to 35 and possible snow accumulation 7 to 11 inches.
Forecast for tonight is Snow, heavy at times, low around 30, blustery with winds 10 to 20 mph, gusts up to 30 mph with another 7 to 11 inches accumulation of snow.
That's a possible 22 inches total snowfall during today and tonight, with a possible 1 to 2 more inches tomorrow. Wonder if we will hit the 2 foot mark before this storm is over!?!
What are your thoughts on this picture:
Zoomed in and with a flash, this was the best Samcam could do. I was taking my trash out this morning and saw this blob of white in the tree. First I thought it was just a clump of snow stubbornly clinging to the tree. Although, upon a closer look at the trees however, NO other tree around had snow still in it. At least, not as far as my dimming eyes and the dark would allow me to see. Owl maybe? If it's still there when Samcam and I go out for a proper WIP, we'll snap another picture. In the meantime it's 
Meet Maratus Pardus.
I personally think Peacock Spiders have superb fashion sense.
WIP time!
Well, piffle. I forgot about the time change. Springing forward took the morning light away from us just as it was getting bright enuf for pictures.
*heavy sigh*
Must ready for work. I'm NOT gonna like my commute home, that's for sure.
Another "whadda ya think" picture?
I'm experimenting with a way to drip water into my little stone birdbath. If the bracket that's already on the tree can hold the weight of a full 2 liter bottle of water, I think this might work! It's been dripping all night into the sink and still has about an hour or so of water left inside. 
Two of my own personal rules with regards to my Woodland Garden are:
1. Try to make do with what is already available.
2. If something is needed but not available, try to re-purpose rather than buy premade.
On with the WIP!
I love the predawn blue.
Still can't get a good enuf pic to tell what that white blob is. But it hasn't moved. I'm thinking snow. Maybe when I get home... no. Too much snow expected. Twill remain a mystery then!
Have a good day!