Sunday, March 11, 2018

Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pigs are adorable little critters who have been exploited in biology classes and laboratories for centuries, all in the name of "the betterment of mankind." Hence the term "use as a Guinea Pig" when referring to a test subject. In recent decades the Guinea Pig has pretty much been replaced with mice and rats, since these rodents, unlike their fellow rodent the Guinea Pig, garner no respect from the general masses. So, stating that I am about to use you as Guinea Pigs may be a bit archaic, but it garners no ill will. Perhaps a little apprehension at most. That is preferable to the outrage and indignation that might be incited should I refer to you as mice or rats in my experiment. I know my feathers would be ruffled if someone called me a rat, even though I have nothing against rats. We have been conditioned to think of them in a derogatory way. 
What experiment, you ask? Well, first, please forgive me for the rodent reference, and second forgive the length of the following picture collage. I have recapped my January mornings with a picture taken every day of the month. In a couple of instances there are two pictures from the same day. I'm thinking I will need to "recap" February with a picture from every other day, rather than every single day. Then it won't be any longer than say, 30 seconds. Over a minute is way to long. My attention wandered off halfway thru it. But, as I am experimenting with something new to me, it's a learn as I go process. So, my adorable Guinea Pigs, here is my January 2018 Recap:
If nothing else, it might prove an excellent sleep aid.
Always look for the positive!