What do we have today on the Front Porch? Phone says the Porch is enjoying 31° at the moment. To go with that temperature is 67% humidity, 3 mph vrbl winds and overcast skies. The weather augurs are predicting a partly sunny day with North winds at 10 mph and a high temp of 40°. A nice day before the storm tomorrow.
A Wip will be forthcoming, but first I must eat breakfast so my stomach doesn't growl at any potential customers while we're at work.
Brrrr. Feels like a storm is coming today, not tomorrow.
Of course I MUST include another picture of my favorite arachnids at the moment.
Behold the splendidness that is Maratus Splendens.
I love the facial hair, Dude!!
Gotta go now!
Have a good day, Travelers!