What's fer breakfast, Ma Nat!?
Phone says Mother Nature is serving 33° of calm winds with 58% humidity and fair skies in the local diner called The Front Porch.
Sounds delish!
I got the Nuttin's this morning. I do have an overwhelming urge to be inna hurry for some reason. I usually get like this when I have forgotten something or am forgetting something.
To whomever may be affected by my memory lapse, it's not on purpose, I swear. I mean, seriously, I don't LIKE to feel like a fool when I remember things too late.
*heavy sigh*
No Spider pics...
Nothing popping into my head...
No inspiration from casting my eyes about...
My ears aren't hearing anything at the moment...
My nose, who woke briefly at the smell of coffee, promptly went back to sleep. Nose knows the smell of coffee is a lie...
The only sense happy this morning is Touch. A warm shower never fails to feel wonderful.
Yet still...
I got Nuttin'.
Guess I'm done here.
May the Nuttin's seldom visit you, Travelers. The Sumpin's are much better company and a lot more fun.