Here's a bit for ya. I sat down at the computer this morning pondering the beauty of the Moon I saw when closing my bedroom window at alarm time. Blasted alarm. But that's not my bit. When I sat down, obviously still distracted by the Moon, I tapped the space bar and proceeded to patiently watch the black monitor screen for signs of life. I watched, and waited, for quite some time. Uh-oh. What's going on? Thinking back on it, I'm not as concerned about the tapping of the space bar to wake a sleeping monitor, as this is a viable option when it goes to sleep. I am more concerned at the considerable amount of time it took for me to realize why the monitor wasn't responding. It was long enough that panic started creeping in, which prompted more tapping of the space bar, the escape key and finally, that "last resort" combo, ctrl/alt/del. Nothing was working. It was only then, after the ole adrenal gland threatened to release it's poison, I realized that I hadn't turned the computer on yet. In the grand scheme of things, the death of a computer or a monitor is not something that should elicit panic, and yet there I sat, on the verge.
My adrenal gland and I need to have a long talk. I think maybe my brain should be in on this talk as well.
My adrenal gland and I need to have a long talk. I think maybe my brain should be in on this talk as well.
We have 26 degrees on the Front Porch.
Brisk is the word that comes to mind.
We also have fair skies, 96% humidity and calm winds. This is according to the Weather Guessers.
Time to steer OBACE out for confirmation.
We'll be back.
There was a tiny, little cloud in an otherwise clear sky when I stepped out. It was the most beautiful rose color and moving fast. Which is what I need to do. Work beckons!
Have a great day, Travelers.
May love and happiness be yours.
It took me 5 tries to spell love with a v instead of a b just now. I watched my finger hit the b key FIVE times! Whatever gland holds the rage poison almost got emptied into the system. Finally hitting of the v key spared me that indignity.
No wonder these posts take me so long!!!