Wednesday, March 28, 2018

There's That Ozoney Smell Again

Slight chance rain/snow!!!???
Must go see!
No snow, no rain, not even mist in the air. There was however, that "I don't know why I call it ozoney" ozoney smell. I love that fragrance, but I really have no clue what I'm smelling.
35°. Made for an easier "in nothing but shirt sleeves" moment on the Front Porch. Wait a sec. "In nothing but shirt sleeves?" Ok, Google says the term simply means not wearing anything over your shirt. No jacket, sweater, etc. Whew. I pictured nothing but a shirt. You know, sans britches. Britches... a variant of breeches, but that's beside the point. Just for the record, I never leave the house without britches. Not only to avoid the possible indecent exposure arrest and subsequent fines, but to avoid a sudden infusion of a large quantity of blood into the fleshy side of the face below the eye and above and to the side of the mouth.  :)  Ya gotta love Merriam-Webster.
As for the rest of the weather this morning, we have 70% humidity, calm winds and overcast skies. That explains why there were no stars to see. We are to expect a high of 47 today. Speaking of highs, it got to 49° yesterday. Not quite the 50 as predicted.
Getting close to dawn! Samcam needs the dawning light to snap that WIP. :)
There was a Robin singing it's little heart out while I was on the Porch. And a crow in the tree across the street. I looked and looked for him and never saw him until he flew off. Sitting in plain sight the whole time! I heard Geese in the distance and a Chickadee in our backyard. Nice soundtrack to a beautiful morning.
Today's WIP is brought to you by Samcam and Home. 
Wonderful things, Homes. And beautiful, too.
May all Homes, no matter how elaborate or humble, be beautiful, loving and happy for you, Travelers.