Tuesday, March 27, 2018

I Need To Go NOW

I must get over my YouTube addiction. I sat for hours, HOURS, not minutes, watching videos of what I think were internet journalists, all Irish, eating American Foods for the first time, and giving their opinion. They were at times hilarious and appeared to be honest with their critique. But, seriously, HOURS of this!?
*heavy sigh*
At least I got my laundry done.
I need some breakfast. I remember when I wouldn't dare eat breakfast for fear of needing to run for the restroom. Imagine having a digestive issue while working a production line and not being able to leave your position until a team leader comes to take your place. Yeah. Certain sacrifices had to be made and breakfast was one of them. Now, working where I am, facilities available at a seconds notice, I am back to eating breakfast again. And I have no shame (or dignity) when it comes to making a "move outta the way" be-line for the facilities when I need them. It rather sucks to have to consider every move you make around how long before a restroom is available. And it sucks that when you hesitate to answer the question "You want to come with?" the person posing the question thinks your hesitation means you don't want to go. The truth is you'd love nothing more than to go with them, but your trying to cycle through the ole memory banks to remember "what have I eaten, when did I eat it, how do my intestines feel, when was the last time I used the facilities, what is the probability I will need facilities soon, will facilities be readily available if I go with them and what are the chances I'll ruin the trip for everyone if I go with them?"
*heavy sigh*
Weather! Good ole weather! What have we got Phone?
18 brisk degrees this morning. The humidity is hovering at 92%, but we know how drastically that changes once the sun comes up. The winds are calm and the skies are fair. OOOOOH! We're expected to hit 50° today!
And Sunny is the forecast. People are gonna be out in tee shirts and shorts today!
Breakfast. Gonna have breakfast while waiting for the light Samcam insists on having for WIP taking. That sounds funny... too hungry to ponder it. I'll fix it on the proof read. If there is one. There's not always a proof read.
The tiny blurry spot almost dead center of this picture is a crow who photo bombed Samcam's first attempt at a WIP.
I need to go to work NOW!
Good day to you, Travelers!

Trees are buddin'!
Ok, that sounds weird this morning.
Must remember to proofread...