I was sleeping sooo good last night. Up until the smoke alarm in my bedroom decided to chirp its "battery is low" warning at 1 am. Needless to say, my sleep was LESS than exemplary from that point on.
I have had several hours to get over the humphf mood that pesky device put me. But most of those hours were spent tossing and turning, in and out of sleep, pondering the down side to smoke alarms. Try putting a decent sear on a good steak without setting off the blasted alarm, or toasting a bagel after its been split down the middle leaving just one tiny, little crumb of bread sticking out a little too close to the heating elements. Amazing how much smoke a tiny crumb in a toaster will produce. Yeah. Smoke alarms. A guaranteed way to wake EVERYONE in the house when a breakfast goes wrong. *humphf* At least I can say I haven't pulled that one in a while. Thank goodness. And poor Noche! I think she loses one of her nine lives every time that alarm sounds. I'm right there with ya, Kitty. Pretty sure I'm shaving years off my life each time I set that blasted thing off.
*heavy sigh*
Smoke Alarms
*heavy sigh*
They do and have saved peoples lives.
Always look on the bright side, right? Well, that's a little hard to do when you're tossing around in your blankets, glaring invisible daggers at a little white, circular device, ominously clinging to the ceiling of your bedroom like a oversized spider.
Gimme the weather, Phone! And don't test me this morning, I'm not in the mood and you wouldn't like it!!
29° with mostly cloudy skies, 78% humidity and 5 mph winds.
Ok, Camera your up. Be good today!
Oh, cool!
We had a dusting of snow last night! Check it out...
Amazing what can change a mood. And amazing how quickly a mood can change!
Have a good day, Travelers!
Have a good day, Travelers!
I'm thinking a bagel would be good for breakfast.
I'm thinking a bagel would be good for breakfast.