Saturday, March 31, 2018

No Time This Morning

A co-worker has asked me to do something for her and I spent all my time this morning occupied with this task. I love research! Anyway, a quick FPR and I'm off to work.
35 dees grees, 50% humidity, 6 mph winds and fair skies. Good job, Phone. Samcam, yer up.
Now, the main reason for this report every morning-
Te quiero, Travelers!
May your day be wonderful.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Stink Eye

Stink eye. I looked up the term to find it's origin and to see what it actually meant. The definition is pretty straight forward- a facial expression of distrust, disdain or disapproval, also called skunk eye or hairy eyeball. It's origin, as stated by, is Hawaiian slang. Well... ok. Kinda sorta vague and abtruse origin, but, ok. Anyway, I got caught up for some time looking at various images of The Stink Eye. Personally, I think humans, specially babies, cats and bulldogs pull off the stink eye best.

Yeah. Definitely good at giving the Stink Eye! A fun distraction this morning.
Wow... just got chilled. Oh man... my stomach does NOT like it's breakfast this morning. Piffle... I wish my nose would stop running. One sneeze and the snoot turned on the faucet full blast. Nuff of that... Where was I? Weather. We have weather. 42 degrees?!!? Like, wow. Um... ok... 43° of 100% humidity, 3 mph winds and, really!?... Fog/Mist!? Ooo, must go see! Samcam likes to play with Flash and Mist, when Mist comes to visit! BRB!
Samcam took a without flash and with flash pic of the Front Porch rail. Here's the without pic, illumination provided by Porch Light-

And here's the with pic. Illumination provided by Flash-
Samcam loves to play with the mist. And it is looking a bit foggy out there.
I'm waiting for the dawn to break for a proper WIP.
Back I will be :)

43° and I'm chilly. What's up with that? The damp causing it maybe?
Have a great day Travelers.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Tapping The Space Bar

Here's a bit for ya. I sat down at the computer this morning pondering the beauty of the Moon I saw when closing my bedroom window at alarm time. Blasted alarm. But that's not my bit. When I sat down, obviously still distracted by the Moon, I tapped the space bar and proceeded to patiently watch the black monitor screen for signs of life. I watched, and waited, for quite some time. Uh-oh. What's going on? Thinking back on it, I'm not as concerned about the tapping of the space bar to wake a sleeping monitor, as this is a viable option when it goes to sleep. I am more concerned at the considerable amount of time it took for me to realize why the monitor wasn't responding. It was long enough that panic started creeping in, which prompted more tapping of the space bar, the escape key and finally, that "last resort" combo, ctrl/alt/del. Nothing was working. It was only then, after the ole adrenal gland threatened to release it's poison, I realized that I hadn't turned the computer on yet. In the grand scheme of things, the death of a computer or a monitor is not something that should elicit panic, and yet there I sat, on the verge.
My adrenal gland and I need to have a long talk. I think maybe my brain should be in on this talk as well.
We have 26 degrees on the Front Porch.
Brisk is the word that comes to mind.
We also have fair skies, 96% humidity and calm winds. This is according to the Weather Guessers.
Time to steer OBACE out for confirmation.
We'll be back.
There was a tiny, little cloud in an otherwise clear sky when I stepped out. It was the most beautiful rose color and moving fast. Which is what I need to do. Work beckons!

Have a great day, Travelers.
May love and happiness be yours.
It took me 5 tries to spell love with a v instead of a b just now. I watched my finger hit the b key FIVE times! Whatever gland holds the rage poison almost got emptied into the system. Finally hitting of the v key spared me that indignity.
No wonder these posts take me so long!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

There's That Ozoney Smell Again

Slight chance rain/snow!!!???
Must go see!
No snow, no rain, not even mist in the air. There was however, that "I don't know why I call it ozoney" ozoney smell. I love that fragrance, but I really have no clue what I'm smelling.
35°. Made for an easier "in nothing but shirt sleeves" moment on the Front Porch. Wait a sec. "In nothing but shirt sleeves?" Ok, Google says the term simply means not wearing anything over your shirt. No jacket, sweater, etc. Whew. I pictured nothing but a shirt. You know, sans britches. Britches... a variant of breeches, but that's beside the point. Just for the record, I never leave the house without britches. Not only to avoid the possible indecent exposure arrest and subsequent fines, but to avoid a sudden infusion of a large quantity of blood into the fleshy side of the face below the eye and above and to the side of the mouth.  :)  Ya gotta love Merriam-Webster.
As for the rest of the weather this morning, we have 70% humidity, calm winds and overcast skies. That explains why there were no stars to see. We are to expect a high of 47 today. Speaking of highs, it got to 49° yesterday. Not quite the 50 as predicted.
Getting close to dawn! Samcam needs the dawning light to snap that WIP. :)
There was a Robin singing it's little heart out while I was on the Porch. And a crow in the tree across the street. I looked and looked for him and never saw him until he flew off. Sitting in plain sight the whole time! I heard Geese in the distance and a Chickadee in our backyard. Nice soundtrack to a beautiful morning.
Today's WIP is brought to you by Samcam and Home. 
Wonderful things, Homes. And beautiful, too.
May all Homes, no matter how elaborate or humble, be beautiful, loving and happy for you, Travelers.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

I Need To Go NOW

I must get over my YouTube addiction. I sat for hours, HOURS, not minutes, watching videos of what I think were internet journalists, all Irish, eating American Foods for the first time, and giving their opinion. They were at times hilarious and appeared to be honest with their critique. But, seriously, HOURS of this!?
*heavy sigh*
At least I got my laundry done.
I need some breakfast. I remember when I wouldn't dare eat breakfast for fear of needing to run for the restroom. Imagine having a digestive issue while working a production line and not being able to leave your position until a team leader comes to take your place. Yeah. Certain sacrifices had to be made and breakfast was one of them. Now, working where I am, facilities available at a seconds notice, I am back to eating breakfast again. And I have no shame (or dignity) when it comes to making a "move outta the way" be-line for the facilities when I need them. It rather sucks to have to consider every move you make around how long before a restroom is available. And it sucks that when you hesitate to answer the question "You want to come with?" the person posing the question thinks your hesitation means you don't want to go. The truth is you'd love nothing more than to go with them, but your trying to cycle through the ole memory banks to remember "what have I eaten, when did I eat it, how do my intestines feel, when was the last time I used the facilities, what is the probability I will need facilities soon, will facilities be readily available if I go with them and what are the chances I'll ruin the trip for everyone if I go with them?"
*heavy sigh*
Weather! Good ole weather! What have we got Phone?
18 brisk degrees this morning. The humidity is hovering at 92%, but we know how drastically that changes once the sun comes up. The winds are calm and the skies are fair. OOOOOH! We're expected to hit 50° today!
And Sunny is the forecast. People are gonna be out in tee shirts and shorts today!
Breakfast. Gonna have breakfast while waiting for the light Samcam insists on having for WIP taking. That sounds funny... too hungry to ponder it. I'll fix it on the proof read. If there is one. There's not always a proof read.
The tiny blurry spot almost dead center of this picture is a crow who photo bombed Samcam's first attempt at a WIP.
I need to go to work NOW!
Good day to you, Travelers!

Trees are buddin'!
Ok, that sounds weird this morning.
Must remember to proofread...

Monday, March 26, 2018

Rage And Ethan

Finished playing a game called Rage.
Good game. Had one of THE most anti-climatic endings ever. But somehow that was ok. The only downside to the game wasn't a game issue, it was a me issue. I cannot "drive" in computer games. I am not a fan of racing games, so when I am expected to drive a vehicle in an action/adventure/survival game, let's just say "good" is not a descriptor I would use when commenting on my talent in that area. On the plus side, going up against the Jackals was my favorite part of the game.
 Exciting and a bit scary. Great mission.
Next, I moved on to "The Vanishing of Ethan Carter." and half a pound of bacon for breakfast.
But let's talk about Ethan Carter.
The game tells you, right off the bat, that it does not hold your hand. The detecting in this game and the sequence of events is entirely up to you, the player. That would have been all well and good, even preferred, 20-30 years ago, when my mind was pretty decent at figuring things out. In my youth, I LOVED trying to solve puzzles on my own. There was a much higher sense of accomplishment doing it without the aid of a walk through guide. I started this game quite a long time ago. Struggled immensely, gave it up for Rage, The Evil Within 1 and 2 before that, and before that, I am sorry to say, I cannot remember. The new Tomb Raider, maybe. Which was a GREAT GAME! Anyway, back to Ethan Carter. Game guides have recently become my best friends when I am gaming. I KNOW without doubt I would never have gotten through Ethan Carter without one. What a SAD game. A really good game.
But so sad. I love games that can move me emotionally. And this one did.
dum de dum dum dum...
Phone is struggling.
34° of fair skies, 28% humidity and 7 mph winds out of the NE.
Sunny with a high of 44° is the forecast for today.
Up for a WIP, Samcam? Let's go see what the outside looks like.
It's beautiful out there. The wind made it chilly, tho.
Have a great day Travelers.
May your day be a beautiful one!

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Stupid Smoke Alarm

I was sleeping sooo good last night. Up until the smoke alarm in my bedroom decided to chirp its "battery is low" warning at 1 am. Needless to say, my sleep was LESS than exemplary from that point on.
I have had several hours to get over the humphf mood that pesky device put me. But most of those hours were spent tossing and turning, in and out of sleep, pondering the down side to smoke alarms. Try putting a decent sear on a good steak without setting off the blasted alarm, or toasting a bagel after its been split down the middle leaving just one tiny, little crumb of bread sticking out a little too close to the heating elements. Amazing how much smoke a tiny crumb in a toaster will produce. Yeah. Smoke alarms. A guaranteed way to wake EVERYONE in the house when a breakfast goes wrong. *humphf* At least I can say I haven't pulled that one in a while. Thank goodness. And poor Noche! I think she loses one of her nine lives every time that alarm sounds. I'm right there with ya, Kitty. Pretty sure I'm shaving years off my life each time I set that blasted thing off.
*heavy sigh*
Smoke Alarms
*heavy sigh*
They do and have saved peoples lives.
Always look on the bright side, right? Well, that's a little hard to do when you're tossing around in your blankets, glaring invisible daggers at a little white, circular device, ominously clinging to the ceiling of your bedroom like a oversized spider.
Gimme the weather, Phone! And don't test me this morning, I'm not in the mood and you wouldn't like it!!
29° with mostly cloudy skies, 78% humidity and 5 mph winds.
Ok, Camera your up. Be good today!
Oh, cool!
We had a dusting of snow last night! Check it out...
Amazing what can change a mood. And amazing how quickly a mood can change!
Have a good day, Travelers!
I'm thinking a bagel would be good for breakfast.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

The Sumpin's Are Better Company

What's fer breakfast, Ma Nat!?

Phone says Mother Nature is serving 33° of calm winds with 58% humidity and fair skies in the local diner called The Front Porch.
Sounds delish!
I got the Nuttin's this morning. I do have an overwhelming urge to be inna hurry for some reason. I usually get like this when I have forgotten something or am forgetting something.
To whomever may be affected by my memory lapse, it's not on purpose, I swear. I mean, seriously, I don't LIKE to feel like a fool when I remember things too late.
*heavy sigh*
No Spider pics...
Nothing popping into my head...
No inspiration from casting my eyes about...
My ears aren't hearing anything at the moment...
My nose, who woke briefly at the smell of coffee, promptly went back to sleep. Nose knows the smell of coffee is a lie...
The only sense happy this morning is Touch. A warm shower never fails to feel wonderful.
Yet still...
I got Nuttin'.
Guess I'm done here.
May the Nuttin's seldom visit you, Travelers. The Sumpin's are much better company and a lot more fun.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Dampish Stilly Clear and Chilly

Bacon.... wonderful bacon. The vegetarian in me is appalled at my indulgence, but the carnivore is wonderfully delighted. I just have to figure out how to get the two to live together peacefully. Co-existence. The key to a peaceful existence. That's fine for my veggie-saur and carni-vore, but what about the poor pig? Why am I pondering this when I need to get ready for work?
The current weather conditions are thus-
25° aka Chilly
85% humidity aka Dampish
Calm winds aka Still
Fair skies aka Clear
Chilly, Dampish, Still and Clear. Hold on! That means the morning is
Clear and
Ok, that's just silly.
Spider time! I think this may be my last Spider picture-
Maratus Vespa. Vespa is Latin for wasp.
I have one more picture, so I will double up today and be done.
Maratus Tessellatus. Hmm... tessellatus, I guess, means chequered. Tessella are small paving stones...? Something to do with mosaic floors. Further research is required since the abbreviated version ain't providing clear understanding this morning. I may not be to clear about your name, Dude, but it's catchy.

I need a WIP to go with the Dampish Stilly Clear and Chilly morning.
One last star shining in the predawn sky.
Have a good day!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Noodle Necking This Morning

I must be brief. The longer I sit here, the more my neck noodles. The more my neck noodles the closer my face gets to smashing into the keyboard. So, without further ado, the Weather.

Currently we are are enjoying 33° of light snow... LIGHT SNOW! Must go see!
It is Light Snowing out there! It's a pretty snow. Tiny crystals that glitter in the light. And the 7 miles per hour, with gusts up to 23 miles per hour, winds are making the snowflakes dance as they fall. What a show! Sparkly and invigorating, with a lovely soundtrack by Wind Thru The Pines.
My coffee is living up to the word putrid quite well this morning.
Why do I have heartburn? Oh yeah. The peanut butter and jelly for breakfast. Will I never learn?
Why am I so tired? Oh yeah. Benadryl.
I need to be done. Spider pic then I'm outta here.
Maratus Robinsoni
I get this name. Obviously, the spider has been named after someone with the surname Robinson, which means "son of Rob." So, I ask you, Maratus Robinsoni, what does your father, Rob, look like?
May Love and Happiness follow you through the day and into infinity, my fellow Travelers. You couldn't ask for better traveling companions!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

So Long For So Little

I have been sitting here for 10 minutes. 10 minutes and I got nuttin'. Even tho I KNOW I got sumpin'. There's ALWAYS sumpin' if I just pay attention. 
*heavy sigh*
Peacock Spider? Didn't post a Peacock Spider pic yesterday. Let's see whose up...
Maratus Sarahae. A not so quick search for the meaning of the word sarahae got me nothing. Well, now, that's not true. I did learn that saranghae is Korean for 'I love you.' That's definitely something. Just not the something I was looking for.
What's the weather like this morning, Phone?
Method #4: Dunk in water and top with plastic wrap... hold on. That's not the weather. Oh yeah! I was googling how best to keep an avocado from oxidizing. Of the 6 methods tested by the poster of the particular post I so obviously left open on Phone, placing the avocado in a sealed bowl with a cut onion was the favored method. I haven't tried that one yet. I agree with the poster of the post that putting it in water helped, but it waterlogged the fruit.
Weather. I was looking for the weather report.
At 5:52 AM I am 1 minute away from the hourly update. So, do I give you the hour old conditions or do I wait until 6:15 AM for Phone to get the update? Decisions decisions... 
I'll go snap a WIP and check back for the update. 
Dark, but no stars. I would have thought overcast but the WeeGees are saying it's fair out there. They are also claiming 25°, 5 mph winds and 58% humidity.
I gotta go. I take way to long with this in the morning. Way too long for so little.
Have a good day, my fellow Travelers of this most wonderful Universe!
Te quiero!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


I have observed two things in the last few days that still have me pondering on them. First, a hawk flew out of one of our trees when I came home from work last Saturday. And two, I noticed while grocery shopping last Sunday, that the price of bacon went from 4.99 a pound to $5.99 a pound. I still haven't gotten over the sticker shock when the price went up from 3.99 to 4.99 a pound a year ago! Now, I ask you, of all the hundreds, possibly thousands (although, with my brain, that might be pushing it) of observations I have recently made, consciously or sub-consciously, why are these the two that have preoccupied my brain for the last 4 days or so? So much so, that I woke up this morning with both thoughts running around in my head like the fate of the world depends upon the close scrutiny and deciphering of these incidental thoughts. I have replayed, over and over in my mind, the beauty of that hawk flying right over my head and the shock, not to mention the outrage, that the price of bacon triggered by taking such a monumental jump in price. A 20% increase!!! (Thank you, Google, for the math calculations. The batteries in my brain have long since died and I lost the "power cable" I need to recharge them.) 20%!! I am ready to let go of these thoughts and move on now. The hawk flight has been replayed so much that I'm sure my imagination has reshaped what I really saw into something no longer resembling what really happened. And I just flat don't want to waste anymore of my time incensed over something I cannot change or control. Like the price of bacon. So, brain of mine, it's time to move on, to ponder upon something else.
WIP time! That's a good thing to ponder! Right!? It's momentary each morning and then we move on till the next morning. Works.
What is it with me and the cold lately!? Is calling out of work because it's too cold to go outside a legitimate excuse? Well, I'm starting think it should be!!
One star still shining in the sky. Let's me know the skies are clear  OOO! Weather! It is currently, 11°, with 81% humidity, calm winds and yes, the skies are fair. We can expect a Sunny day with a high of 37. 
Time for work. But before that a Trusty warm-up. 11 degrees calls for a bit of a warm-up.
Toodles, Travelers!

Monday, March 19, 2018

Drag Myself Outside

I suppose I should drag myself out to the Front Porch and get a Report written. I went out once, made an instant about-face because of the cold, put my coat and nimitzs on, went back outside and promptly got distracted by the settings on my camera. So distracted that when the cold quickly drove me back inside I had forgotten why I went out in the first place. Yep. I got nuttin' in the way of an explanation.
Samcam, you ready to test your new settings out?
Lemon tea... yummy.
One more sip...
Ok, let's go.
Somebody turned on a very bright light out there!!!
Ok, it is currently 30° on the Front Porch. The skies are fair, which explains the bright light. We also have a rather dry humidity reading of 33% that my fingers are finding themselves hard pressed to find anything positive about, and the winds today are blowing at 6 mph with 20 mph gusts. Maybe that's why I have felt so cold all day. Not normal for the cold to bug me this way.
Hot Lemon tea... Yummy.
Whoa. I'm falling asleep at the computer. Noodle necking, as Baby Sis says.
Peacock Spider! I didn't do a Spider pic yesterday. Or the weather. Or a Weather Illustration Picture. I don't even know if I have a Spider pic to share.
Hold on...
I have 3 or 4 more after this one. This guy is Maratus Vultus. Vultus means face or expression in Latin. I'm happy to say, Google didn't give me a hard time over the search for a definition. Maybe I like you again, Google.
Honey and sugar sweetened, Hot Lemon Tea... YUMMY!
I need a nap.
We're done here.
Have a good day Travelers. And if you find yourself noodle-necking at your computer, best to go lay down for a nap, rather than letting your face smash into the keyboard.
Love and happiness. May they always be with you.
S made dinner!
Beef stew!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Anticipating A Favored Breakfast Part 3

Rage and Donuts!
What is it they say about a picture?
Something about it being worth a thousand words?

What about two pictures because one wasn't enough?
I'm in the process of talking myself out of a third. 

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Anticipating A Favored Breakfast Part 2

So far I am thoroughly enjoying my favored breakfast this morning. Without trying to inhale it. My throat is on alert, however. Just enough to warn me that one false move and, well, yes, I know where we'll be going and I don't want to go there. It's amazing how the ENTIRE body gets in on a coughing fit. I guess when you threaten the lungs you threaten all, right?
It took 15 minutes to type all that. I was eating in between words. Delicious! Nothing special, just scrambled eggs and a bagel with butter AND cream cheese. For descriptive purposes let me say that the bagel is only a vehicle used to propel cream cheese, in large quantities, into my mouth, specifically for my taste buds. 
Whose up next in the Peacock Spider Parade?
This is Maratus Albus. Which I believe means "white" in Latin. Um, Albus does, actually. Albus means white. I think. Well, piffle... lemme check... Yes. Albus is Latin for "white." It also refers to an ancient Roman family, a 13th and 14th century German coin and, of course, Professor Dumbledore. :)
Back to the Spider. I don't believe this little guy has the body flaps to fan for his lady love, but that doesn't stop him from dancing, bless his little white beard and mittens!
Weather. On with the weather.
The current weather conditions are- ahh, c'mon Phone, don't fail me now... seriously... oh wait. It's time to update. I know we have °, humidity, winds and skies. In a few moments I'll know how much we currently have of each.
Still waiting...
8 minutes and counting...
10 minutes people. You've had 10 minutes to upload the updates... :) catchy. Upload The Updates...Could be the name of a song or a new dance move... :)
ALL RIGHT! 15 minutes!!! Really!?
20°, 43% humidity, 6 mph winds and fair skies. How difficult was that!? HEY! We have a slight chance of snow today! Cool!
WIP time. C'mon Samcam. We have pictures to take! At least one, anyway. 20 degrees doesn't sound like a multiple picture morning. Get yer winter gear on and let's go! Oh yeah... you don't have winter gear, Samcam. But I do!
Froze fingers! Samcam refused to snap a WIP on voice command alone. I had to remove mittens to mash the shutter button. I need a camera with voice control.
Happy Saint Patricks Day!

Friday, March 16, 2018

Anticipating A Favored Breakfast

There's nothing quite like the experience of preparing a favored breakfast. Especially one that is rarely made for "health" reasons. Not because there are any health issues to deal with per say, but because the media has made sure we fear EVERYTHING that we consume. Not just food, mind you, but right down to, and including, the contaminated water we drink, to the polluted air we breath.This makes that "rare" breakfast a very carefully prepared and eagerly anticipated meal. Then what happens? Upon taking the first wonderfully flavorful bite, the body tries to inhale it, rather than swallow it. And, of course, the body's response to this misuse of it's equipment, is to promptly engage in a coughing fit that can only be rivaled by a lengthy grand mal seizure. Talk about the ruining of a moment. My response to this, once I was back in control of the cerebral command center, was a loud, vulgar and explosive


*Heavy sigh*

Time for the weather.
What have we got today?
31° of overcast skies, 5 mph winds and 61% humidity. I must say, most sincerely, that my split fingers painfully let me know when the air has gone dry. Do you know how difficult it is to crack an egg when you can't use the tip of one of your thumbs?!? Proved to be quite awkward and messy. Upon retrospect, I should have known. The first messily, cracked egg was a precursor of ill things to come with regards to my carefully planned breakfast. Traitorous body. First the thumb, then the rebellious swallerpipe.
It's not quite WIP time, since our daylight has been stolen from us by Daylight Savings Time. What an oxymoron. So I'm gonna go consign my dirty dishes to the dishwasher and make my lunch while waiting for the last minute to snap a WIP.
Be back later.
Here we have Maratus Ottoi. Can't find a definition for ottoi. But then, I really didn't look very hard.
*3/18/18 update- I have looked off and on for 2 days trying to find the meaning of Ottoi. I even checked twice with the Youtube video of Maratus Ottoi to see if I mispelled the word. Nope. I did not. My search has been amusing if nothing else. Here are a few of the things I've learned during this search. "Otto" in Latin means altar, "ottoia" are stem-group priapulid worms known from the Cambrian fossils, there is a website promising to provide an astrological explanation and analysis of the acronym OTTOI using modern astronumerolgy and, we also have a site called WordAZ which promises "This is the place for Ottoi definition. You find here Ottoi meaning, synonyms of Ottoi and images for Ottoi." Yeah, right. I'm not falling for that one. There was also a vaguely explicit sounding Twitter account of Ottoi, "a can-do kinda guy." Well, no thank you, Can-do, I like my computer as it is, not how your guaranteed viruses will make it. Then, my search tried to send me to a Wikipedia listing entitled "Bride Kidnapping." A listing that I am happy NOT to go read, and, finally,  my favorite, a magazine article titled "What Does It Mean To Die?" from the NewYorker. Um...Say what? I will give Google credit for the faintly added words "missing: ottoi" in that last entry. At least they weren't trying to completely hide the fact that the article had nothing what-so-ever to do with my search for the definition of ottoi. So, what I have learned is that the meaning of Ottoi is out there somewhere, but I am all done looking for it.*

I love the blue. Breezy out there. And busy. 
Cars were coming 

and going.
 Have a good day, Travelers.

 I must add one more pic! Ok, 2 more!
Do ya see him!?
Yesterday, I started the car, there he was! How 'bout a close-up?
I love him!!
One last thing. S, you are a wonderful cook. The aroma from the left over roasted chicken and veggies I had for lunch yesterday, drove everyone in the building all but mad. I think everyone came to see what I was having for lunch!
Thank you, S, for all that YOU do!!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Storm Skylar

Storm Skylar's official snowfall total for the Front Porch is 14.9 inches. A skosh... skosh :) doncha love that word? Anyway, a skosh less than 15 inches. It snowed ALL day yesterday, but there was no accumulation at all. At least, not on the streets. Just a pretty snowfall. Where did I put my coffee? Check the microwave... Nope. Sitting on the bookcase, of all places, stone cold. It's in the microwave now... Hot coffee in 60 seconds. Gotta love a microwave. How many more times can I say microwave before I get annoyed with the word? Microwave microwave microwave. Ok that does it. Done here!
No, I'm not done. Must do the weather. It occurs to me that I may have neglected the weather yesterday.
By golly, I did. No weather report yesterday. No proofread. Must go fix, forthwith.
Again, BRB.
All right, yesterday's FPR is all fixed and edited now. I must say that yesterday my claim to move snow proved to be a predictive error. I flooded the snow blower. Not quick enuf with the choke. So, while waiting for the gas to waft it's way out of the carburetor, I went over to commence moving a ton of snow off my car. In the meantime, L came out, started the blower right up and tackled the moving of the HUGE, HEAVY snowbank that the city plow leaves at the base of everyone's driveway.
Thank you, L, for all that you do.
Where was I? Oh, the current weather conditions for today are 30°, 100% humidity, 5 mph winds and Light Snow/Fog/Mist. Close to an exact repeat of yesterday.
WIP time.
We definitely have the Light Snow thing going on out there. And this morning's 31° was not a warm 31°. Short sleeves forced OBACE into an immediate retreat from the Front Porch, and back inside to the warmth of the fireplace. Brr.
Time to prep for flight.
Work beckons.
Have a great day, Travelers.
I hope love and happiness are with you, today and always.
8:40 pm Proofread. A proofread that showed no Peacock Spider pic!!
My head ain't functioning on all cylinders lately.
This little fella goes by the name Maratus Fimbriatus... What in the world do these names mean?
Fimbriatus?... Does that sounds Latin to you? Google time.
OK! Frimbriatus IS Latin and it means "fringed." Perfect for this guy! Of course, you realize what this means? I'm gonna be sitting here for the next who knows how long, looking up the Peacock Spiders names. Next up, Maratus- a spider genus of the family Salticidae (jumping spiders). Well, that definition is completely unsatisfying. I'm going to bed.
Sweet dreams, Travelers.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Snow Of 9 Inch Depth

Looks like we got about 9 inches of snow as of 9 pm last night. It's 6 am now and it's still snowing but not heavily. I don't need to report for work until 9 am this morning. Gives me plenty of time to clear a path for Trusty. I can hear several snow blowers blowing snow around the neighborhood already.
It's not WIP time so how about
Peacock Spider time!!
This is Maratus Lobatus.
I'm almost out of spider pictures. I'm certain any arachnophobes that might perchance stumble upon these pictures, would be glad to know this. But I still think these spiders are cute.
So, besides taking a WIP in the very near future, what am I gonna do for the next 3 hours?
OOOOOOH!!!! I can play Rage! Finished The Evil Within and The Evil Within 2 just recently (both good games by the way) and started Rage last night. LOVIN' IT!
Look out Rage! Here I come!
An hour of Rage is good for this morning. WIP time. C'mon Samcam, it's past 7 o'clock. There's enough light for a decent picture. Then we gotta start moving snow.

Wow, is it pretty out there. Weather conditions are currently 32° of  Light Snow/Fog/Mist, 100% humidity, 6 mph winds out of the West at the moment. I say again, it's prudy out there.
Ok. Time to get busy...
Have a good day, Travelers!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Getting Snow Today

Yeah, we're getting snow today.

Big Storm Today

It didn't snow last night. So our snow days streak was broken at 4 days in a row. But the storm hitting today is supposed to leave us with 14 to 22 inches total before it leaves tomorrow night. Then another, smaller storm moves in Thursday. 
Current conditions are 32°, overcast (it's not snowing yet), 78% humidity and 6 mph winds. It feels great on the Front Porch. It's a warm 32° even with the wind blowing. That means we're gonna get hit with the heavy, sticky snow. The kind that causes so much trouble driving on the roads and is so hard to move with a shovel or blower.
Forecast for today is Heavy Snow and Breezy, with a high of 33, north winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts up to 35 and possible snow accumulation 7 to 11 inches.
Forecast for tonight is Snow, heavy at times, low around 30, blustery with winds 10 to 20 mph, gusts up to 30 mph with another 7 to 11 inches accumulation of snow.
That's a possible 22 inches total snowfall during today and tonight, with a possible 1 to 2 more inches tomorrow. Wonder if we will hit the 2 foot mark before this storm is over!?!
What are your thoughts on this picture:
Zoomed in and with a flash, this was the best Samcam could do. I was taking my trash out this morning and saw this blob of white in the tree. First I thought it was just a clump of snow stubbornly clinging to the tree. Although, upon a closer look at the trees however, NO other tree around had snow still in it. At least, not as far as my dimming eyes and the dark would allow me to see. Owl maybe? If it's still there when Samcam and I go out for a proper WIP, we'll snap another picture. In the meantime it's 
Meet Maratus Pardus.
I personally think Peacock Spiders have superb fashion sense.
WIP time!
Well, piffle. I forgot about the time change. Springing forward took the morning light away from us just as it was getting bright enuf for pictures.
*heavy sigh*
Must ready for work. I'm NOT gonna like my commute home, that's for sure.
Another "whadda ya think" picture?
I'm experimenting with a way to drip water into my little stone birdbath. If the bracket that's already on the tree can hold the weight of a full 2 liter bottle of water, I think this might work! It's been dripping all night into the sink and still has about an hour or so of water left inside. 
Two of my own personal rules with regards to my Woodland Garden are:
1. Try to make do with what is already available.
2. If something is needed but not available, try to re-purpose rather than buy premade.
On with the WIP!
I love the predawn blue.
Still can't get a good enuf pic to tell what that white blob is. But it hasn't moved. I'm thinking snow. Maybe when I get home... no. Too much snow expected. Twill remain a mystery then!
Have a good day!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Feb Recap

A Feb Recap for your perusing pleasure.

Now for today.
Samcam, we need a WIP to go along with the 32°, 75% humidity, 5 mph wind and fair skies that are the current conditions. Lets go take a picture.
The self-imposed obligatory WIP. 
I must say, tho, that today's weather illustration picture does a fine job of showcasing the current conditions. It felt good out there. OH!, and it snowed yesterday! There was no accumulation and it wasn't for very long. But it lasted long enuf to officially keep our snow days streak going for 4 days in a row! And if the next big storm, which is coming in tonight, starts dropping snow before midnight, it will be 5 days in a row! And since this next storm plans on giving us 7 to 11 inches tomorrow we will have a 6th day. AND, since this same storm plans to linger for a while on Wednesday that will be our 7th day with snow fall! I'd hafta say March is going out like a lion. Thursday, Friday and Saturday will put an end to our snow streak as those days are looking to be sunny.
Peacock Spider!
This is Maratus Bubo. Great colors!
Although there are around 50 varieties of this wonderful little creature I can only find identifiable pictures or videos of about 20 of them. So my daily Peacock Spider pics will be coming to an end here in the next few days. I'm thinking maybe butterflies next?