Friday, December 30, 2016

Unsullied Pleasure

Good morning, Fellow Travelers of the Universe. You ever wonder how many lifeforms get to experience unsullied pleasure? I hope they all do. Not the pleasure that comes at the expense of others, but pure untainted pleasure. I mean, I love a good steak. But lets face it, that pleasure comes at the expense of another life. That won't stop me from enjoying the next perfectly cooked steak placed in front of me. I'm an omnivore. Even the simplest forms of life struggle to survive on what nourishment is available to them. But the unsullied pleasure of a perfect sunset, or the sound of the wind thru pines trees, that's a pure pleasure. Untainted by any other thought or consequence. I hope all life forms are able to experience such moments. On with the Front Porch Report!! Umm... I gotta go say hi to the Front Porch before the report is possible. I'll be back!!
Neither Camera or Phone could capture how beautiful the view from the Front Porch!! 
34°, partly cloudy skies, 85% humidity and 7 mph winds.
Pure Winter Heaven!
They tried. WE tried. But none of the photos do the beauty of this morning justice. One of those 'ya had ta be there' moments. I hope your winter brings such pleasant and unsullied beauty your way! LIVE LAUGH LOVE Travelers!