Thursday, December 1, 2016

Neither Weather Nor Boredom

Wet! It rained all might. Still raining now. It's a warm rain for this time of year. Felt cool and nice. Sounds beautiful too. Just heavy enuf to pound out a soft rhythm. Soothing. My head is so dead lately. I'm getting bored thinking this stuff let alone proof reading it. *heavy sigh* I'm hungry. Food rarely bores me, so guess what I'm gonna do? Wait. Weather report. 48°, 89% humidity, overcast with light rain and then there's the winds! My goodness the winds! Coming outta the East at 15 mph with gusts up to 30! Feels great I can tell you! Stood out in it long enuf to say so! A great grand glorious day to you and remember, neither the weather nor boredom can stop the 6 L's and the big D from wandering into your neck of the woods. Keep your senses awake and grab every bit that you can! There's plenty for all! Love and Happiness be yours!