Brrrr ba brr brr brrrr!!!! 17° of chilly! Clear, calm and COLD!! Kinda noisy on the F P. Two dogs were making all kinds of racket. One was sounding an alert. Something was in or near it's territory so the bark was on. The other was, well, my head instantly pictured a smaller dog at the door to the nice warm house where it resides telling the human, the one that can manipulate the door knob with it's opposable thumbs, that it's morning constitutional was finished and it's time to be let back in. Which is exactly what OBACE was telling me. Climate has been evaluated, time to go back in the WARM house! Where the hot cup of tea is! And where the fireplace/heater is. And let's not forget the WARM!!
Thawing out is in progress. Have a three G day, my Fellow Travelers of this Great Grand and Glorious Universe. Love and Happiness I wish for you, always!