Saturday, December 10, 2016

Hacky Yakkers

Post from December 8th, 2016

Good morning from the Front Porch. We have 31°,  96% humidity, calm winds and Freezing Fog!  I remember having a convo about freezing fog in an earlier post but I still had to look it up. Yet again. It’s my Brain. Hey, I just reside there. I had nothing to do with the plumbing or the architecture. I admit to being rather terrible at maintenance  tho. Anyway, looks like regular fog out there to me. However, in my search for a definition I found a FASCINATING amateur video on YouTube, showing what is supposed to be a freezing fog. I'm not sure that's actually what it is but that doesn't matter. It is so worth a watch to see Mother Nature at work. Just Google Freezing Fog. Wow. Our fog today made it so peaceful and quiet outside. Until the neighbor happened. I’m not sure why all of a sudden the neighbor and I are stepping out at the same time in the morning, but his habit of coughing, hacking, yakking, hocking and spitting up a lung puts my gag reflex on high alert and sends me running for the indoors. WHAT a total and complete way to ruin a nice moment. May you never have hacky yakkers residing next door to you. But if you do, may your schedules never cross during their hack and yak sessions. Have a three G day, Fellow Travelers!