I didn't steer OBACE onto the Front Porch this morning, as the layer of ice seemed to much a risk for such delicate equipment. :) However, by using and extending one of OBACES's upper appendages to it's maximum limit, I did force Camera out into the freezing rain to snap a few WIPs. Seemed a shame to force such a task onto Camera and then not post the results of all it's efforts. Hence the triptych this morning. It's currently... wait a sec... FOG/MIST?!? Really? I just don't have the energy to throw names today. It is RAINING out there! Wake up, We-Gues! RAINING! Wait. Let's see if there is an update. Yes, they have updated their site. Light rain it says now. Not so 'light' when I was out, or almost out. At least they got the rain part right. Ok. Currently 33°, 92% humidity, 5 mph east winds causing a wind chill of 28°, and once again, light rain. I'm done. I'm am too preoccupied awaiting the safe arrival of a very precious sort and cannot think this morning. Te quiero, Travelers.