Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Snow Definitely

It snowed all day yesterday! A beautiful light fluffy snow that, when it came time to move it, moved with little effort. The snowblower, manned by L, took care of 95% of it. What a totally AWESOME tool a snowblower is!! I highly recommend one. It's 17° with clear skies, calm winds and 88% humidity. My glasses fogged up when I came back into the house. I was halfway down the stairs when I realized I couldn't see where I was going. My brain screamed "FREEZE YOU IMBECILE!!!" So I froze. And then proceeded to have a stern conversation with my Brain for calling me names. I'm off! Things to do, places to be, work to be done and errands to run! Have a good day today, my Fellow Travelers. Try to keep all your working senses alert. The universe is filled with so much to experience!! Love and Happiness to you!!