Good morning from the Front Porch. Merry Christmas Eve! The We-Gues have decided that the oracles they consult with have predicted a light snow for us today. Which will then turn into rain/sleet as the day warms up. As long as Trusty's short little legs can negotiate the icy roads, it's all good with me. I must work today. I'm already procrastinating by not having showered yet.... where's my coffee.. in the microwave of course. It's currently 23°, with 88% humidity, calm winds and fair skies. OBACE completely agrees. Or at least, wants to agree. I have yet to get the engines started in order to steer OBACE onto the Front Porch... where's my coffee... oh. Right next to me. How handy. ALL RIGHT, already! I'm moving. I'm moving, but with much protest. I'll start with the best thing in the morning. My beloved Front Porch awaits...
It's amazing what a simple and routine thing, like shoving OBACE out the door every morning, can do to ones attitude. Camera, Phone and I had a very enjoyable 15 minutes while in the Front Porch's company! Right off the bat we spotted a shadow selfy opportunity.
After many many pictures, of which only the one above came out recognizable, OBACE initiated it's WIP program.
Dark. Still very dark out.
OBACE immediately realized not a single star was shining in the sky. Ahem, We-Gues, did you not say Fair Skies? LIARS!!!!! My uvula enjoyed that. OBACE was very quickly distracted immediately after the discovery of no stars in the sky by the next picture:
It was decided, because of the dark, that the flash would be necessary to take this morning's WIP. But wait... what's that white blob in the upper middle quadrant, we asked. OH! GOODY!! The inner child sprang to life when we realized it was my breath! 15 minutes and dozens of pictures later my cold feet informed me it was time to leave the good company of the Front Porch and get back into the warm. But what fun we had!!
It's the simple things, right!?
May the simple things in life bring your inner child delight, Fellow Travelers!!
It works wonders!