Saturday, December 3, 2016

Hurried Harried And Harassed

Good morning from the Front Porch! I'll be back tomorrow.  .... I can't do that. Not even as hurried, harried and harassed as I feel. The report MUST go on. It's not just a weather report. Well, technically it is. But mostly it's really a quiet reminder to those I hold dear, that I love them, and I think of them everyday. Can't just say Good Morning and Goodbye in the same breath!! But I can and must be brief! Probably til the Christmas rushing is over! Christmas shouldn't be that way.... that's a subject for another day. If I choose to waste the brains cells over it. Today, it's the usual, the weather and a WIP! Obace tried an immediate about-face when it was maneuvered onto the Front Porch. 34° chilly degrees with a 7 mph wind instantly put it in reverse. I had to shut the engines down long enuf to throw Camera up and depress the shutter button. Even Camera balked at the notion of having to endure the cold for a few seconds. It cycled a dozen times through it's programing before remembering which one it was set on. Hurried! Harried! Harassed! Remember? Stop with the babble already!! Weather. Ahh... 79% humidity and fair skies complete the weather quadriptych. Have a glorious day and try to fight the three H's should you ever feel them. Life is too short to spend it feeling hurried, harried and harassed! I think way to much is missed when in that mode! 
Almost forgot the WIP.
Coulda used yesterdays picture. Looks EXACTLY the same, except for the car in this mornings version. Speaking of yesterday, check out the frost on this little plant growing in the front yard.
Wonder if there is any on it today? Hur-har-rassed! Remember?! I gotta get a move on! I need to get outta the hur-har-rassed mode!! Te quiero and toodles, all!!