Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Hey, There's A Fog Bank Out There

FOGGY!! Considering the cold weather we've had and the WARM! weather this morning, I'm not surprised there's a fog bank out there. It's 48 degrees on the Front Porch!! 48!! OBACE, in it's usual non-protective, aka shirtsleeves only, accoutrements, experienced not a single shiver or even the slightest hint of cutis anserina or horripilliation. Overcast skies and 93% humidity, OBACE agrees with completely. But 12 mph winds with 18 mph gusts? I think I would have noticed winds of that speed. I ... WAIT! I took a video! Hold on...  LIIIIIAAAAAARRRRRRS!!!! Wow. I think I saw my tonsils. There's not a single sway in those tree tops the entire 13 seconds of video. But, I do remember why I took the video. What I thought were the traffic noises sounding like rushing water might well have been the sounds of the winds thru the pines. We all know the winds thru the pines sounds like the ocean. Whoopsie... a little too eager to sling my favored sobriquet at the We-Gues this morning. That's it, I'll BRB. Ok, I feel justified in my slingage. There is a slight breeze, but not enuf to make my wind chimes sing and they sing at 7/8 mph winds. 12 to 18 mph winds, my Ashtabula. Huh... I was quoting a movie but found it necessary to understand what I was quoting. Ashtabula, Ohio. A port city on Lake Erie. The name Ashtabula is derived from ashtepihÉ™le, which means 'always enough fish to be shared around' in the Lenape language. Learn something everyday!! It's brain food! Te Quiero Travelers. Stay warm. That might not be to difficult today. Possible snow coming in on Thursday. Love and Happiness to... :) I just heard another movie quote in my head. I cannot use, as it is highly inappropriate for young ears. But it's kinda sorta funny :) Anybody ever see The Toy? Not a great movie but some great innuendo in the script! Done Now!! Time to go to work. Oh, wait. I had a visitor but couldn't get a picture, blast it. A Gold Finch! A purdy fella. I dunno why I thought they migrated to warmer climes, but there he was in the M Woods!
If the little fella is in this picture I sure couldn't find him. Got nuttin fer my troubles but a squint/monitor headache. He probably flew off as I tried to ready my camera. *Humphf*
Toodles, Travelers :)