Saturday, October 15, 2016

Undeleted 5

Good morning from the Front Porch. Dark out so I hadta use the flash. I have 5 pictures that didn't meet the Delete key this morning. 5. I think that's a personal record. 40 or more pictures with half deleted is normal. The only reason the 5 that survived did survive is because I don't have time to go take better ones. My apple-gees. Sick to my stomach. :) That last statement is a fine example of me typing what I'm thinking instead of what I'm planning. No work today. Until I can get my pants zipped AND buttoned, work ain't happenin'. However, my prison sentence has ended! Leaf Peeping today! Baby Sis has kindly offered to take me on a leisurely ride to see the fall colors before I turn into a creature that has no compunction about biting the heads off my own species. Speaking of which, she'll be here any minute! May you NEVER spend a miserable existence inside your home 4 walls! Stay WELL and UNINJURED my Fellow Travelers! Te Quiero!

What the hey. The entire undeleted 5.