Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Computer Rage

Good Morning from the Front Porch. 51° of pure bliss. I'm lovin' these mornings!! Spent far too long planted on the steps. Enjoyed every single moment and yet my head has nuthin' for ya. Unless I can count the computer rage I'm experiencing at the moment because of "updates" I didn't know about until they were 97% complete, because I turned on my computer, then stepped outside. Here I sit with limited time to complete my computer tasks and some computer geek somewhere decides to use MY time to schedule an update! AND then has the GALL to tell me, via my monitor, in large white letters, to "PLEASE WAIT"!!!!! Of course these "updates" screwed around with my files. Which in turn ignited the "computer rage" which has had definite negative effects on my once pleasant morning. Not to mention how much slower my computer is running now. "RAGE" meter leaped from ignite to full blown wildfire in less than one second! ARRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is this "their" plan!? To enrage society? WELL, IT'S WORKING!!! Taking it out on the computer is pointless! It's just the messenger. I want those responsible to pay!!!!!! Work is not getting a very happy ME this morning!! *************HUMPHFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!*************

Cool... I didn't notice that hairy tuft of... what is that... fungus? Gotta go check it out! BRB!!
I'm thinking it is a fungus! 
May your day be Brilliant, Blissful and Beautiful, adored Travelers! Love and Happiness to you as always!!