Good morning from the Front Porch. The WIP is coming to you from the street in FRONT of the Front Porch. If I can figure out how to add several more FRONTS to this post I will. But I must have left my wit out on the FRONT Porch. Too lazy to go out FRONT to get it. :) 39°, 6 mph breeze, 60% humidity and partly cloudy skies. FRONT. The We-Guessers and I concur. I was out FRONT for 15 or 20 minutes before the fingers ordered us back inside. FRONT FRONT. Beautiful morning. I had no visitors out FRONT. No photo ops. There were birds flitting everywhere. Absolutely none of them would fly in FRONT and pose for me. FRONT FRONT FRONT. The most amusing was a Bluejay. All spring and summer I heard Bluejays around us in FRONT. But other than a split second glimpse when they flew from FRONT tree to FRONT tree, I never actually saw any of them. FRONT. This morning I heard what I thought was a new bird in the FRONT neighborhood. Turns out it was a mouthy Bluejay with a FRONT beak full of breakfast. And I mean FULL of breakfast. Whatever was dangling from his beak looked huge. Sure made him sound funny. Someone needs to tell him not to speak with his mouth full. Not only is it unsightly, more importantly, it's a choking hazard. FRONT FRONT.
I got nuttin' this morning. You know what that means... We're done here. FRONT. Wait. I do have a fungus picture for you. Same specimen as yesterday,
but this one popped up overnight in the neighbors FRONT yard.
And of course a leaf picture taken in our own FRONT yard.
No, your eyes are probably fine. The FRONT pictures are blurry. Forgot to clean the FRONT lens. Whoopsie:)
Te quiero, my adored Fellow Travelers. May your camera always be focused on the FRONT things in life!!!