Well. Talk about distracted. It is now a bit before 6 pm and I am just now getting back to this. Truth be told, I thought I had finished and posted it. Oh, the head. I can say that for the most part I'm quite comfortable in there. Plenty of room, that's for sure!.... .... ..... .....
Ok. DISTRACTED MUCH!!?? I got a sweet text from S inquiring about the absence of a report today. Finally getting back to it at around 9 pm. The major distraction today was my computer. Windows 10 SUCKS!!!!! I used to love PC's. NOT USER FRIENDLY AT ALL ANY MORE!!!!! I have to Google how to use the blasted thing almost daily! And Google gives you a GAJILLION different answers, not all of them anywhere remotely similar, so it's a crapshoot with terrible odds!!! As a result you are forced to read a GAJILLION different answers, VERY FEW OF WHICH ARE SHORT AND TO THE POINT!!! And almost ALL of the answers conclude with"If that doesn't work try..." AARRRGGGGHHHH!!! Almost ALL the problems are APP related. Either you don't have one so you must choose one to download. Did I say ONE? Right, ONE of a GAJILLION!! OR, you have one and it falls WAY short in the performance category, AND!!! it conflicts with ANOTHER app or apps causing issues in completely unrelated areas in the black cosmos of the computer. And don't get me started on the CONSTANT UPDATES that the computer operating system and EVERY SINGLE APP insists you MUST HAVE!! A GUARANTEE your computer will require you to visit GOOGLE, AGAIN!!! AND AGAIN!!! AND AGAIN!!! TO FIX ALL THE CONFLICTS, AGAIN!!! Not to mention trying to find moved or missing data because the UPDATES MESS WITH YOUR FILES!! All while developing a massive monitor headache in the process!!! Whoever came up with this system- MAY THEY ALL ROT IN COMPUTER HELL!!!!! And L, honey, I don't know how you do it, but THEY DON"T PAY YOU ENOUGH to do what you do!! ....
Ok, I feel better... By the way I had a visitor to the Front Porch this afternoon!
Is she not lovely! Tried VERY hard to come in the front door with me. Took quite a while to convince her to get out, that certain death awaited indoors and her chances of surviving for a while longer were greater outdoors.
May all your computer time be pleasant and efficient. The cynic in me says that AIN"T gonna happen!!! Love and Happiness to you, my adored Travelers!
YEP!!! YEP!!! Went to shut down my computer and WHAT should it say!!!???? "UPDATE AND SHUTDOWN"!!!!! HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!! Feel free to insert HOSTILE face here. Smiley is nowhere to be found!!!
YEP!!! YEP!!! Went to shut down my computer and WHAT should it say!!!???? "UPDATE AND SHUTDOWN"!!!!! HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!! Feel free to insert HOSTILE face here. Smiley is nowhere to be found!!!