It's 57° on the Front Porch. It's also raining. And dark. My Fanny says "it's all good if I'm not planted on the Porch step this morning." My head says, "DENIED!" Here is my morning thus far--- wake to alarm only to discover it's set earlier than intended. Fall asleep with alarm in hand. Wake to phone alarm. Sweet little tune the phone calls Morning Flower. A nice, gentle second awakening. I feel good! Throw the covers back, and proceed to exit the bed in one fluid, graceful move. Yeah, I got this. Except for two things. Two simultaneously occurring "things". First is the sound of my alarm clock smashing into the wall where I unceremoniously flung it when I threw back the covers. It somehow survived. Second, I tangle my foot in the blanket during my graceful launch from the bed, resulting in a body slam into the closet door. Bam! BAM!! I also survived. Closet door is intact, no scar on the opposite wall from the clock attack and only Noche' was disturbed from her sleep by my involuntary calisthenics. But that's not all folks! The unexpected exercise had an instant effect on my bladder. My full bladder. In a mad dash to get to the restroom, my right pinky toe said Good Morning to the bookcase in the hall. This prompted my right hand to say Good Morning to the picture frame on the wall above the bookcase. The frame survived (I would have been some kind of upset if it hadn't), the bookcase appeared completely undisturbed by it's encounter and my toe has taken "throbbing" to a whole new level. Now, EVERYTHING in my path is getting the squinty-eye. All things are being viewed as potential suspects in a conspiracy to ruin my GOOD MORNING!! Which brings me back to "DENIED!" The porch looks slippery, the steps look like a tumble waiting to happen and the dark promises lots of unseen obstacles waiting to crack toes. This would be a good day to CAREFULLY crawl back into bed and stay there! May all the obstacles in your paths be easily seen and harmlessly managed, my Fellow Travelers, for the Universe is chock full of them!! Look Listen and Learn much! It's really very easy to do, should you wish to do so!! Love and Happiness to you, ALWAYS!