Sunday, October 30, 2016

I Got Nuttin' Part 13

I was hoping if I waited I'd get something, but I got nuttin'. Tonight the temp is 54°. With the vrbl 7 mph winds and 16 mph gusts, it felt really good on the Porch. 51% humidity and fair skies round out the current weather stats. Fair? Looked cloudy to me. It is very dark out there. Can't see ANY stars. Nah, I don't feel right slinging a disparaging epithet at the We-Guessers when I can't be sure it's warranted. I wish the WIP could convey how good it felt outside.
Fake candle fake flower. I like even so!
As Ringo Starr so beautifully sang it-
"Now it's time to say good night
Good night, sleep tight
Now the sun turns out his light
Good night, sleep tight
Dream sweet dreams for me (Dream sweet)
Dream sweet dreams for you."