A fabulous morning! Last I looked it was 47 degrees with a slight breeze and clear blue skies. A great day for pictures!! And I got a leaf... I know. I know. A leaf? Yer right, yer absolutely right. Boring, common and the only thing that caught my eye this morning. Well, that and an angry hornet. I'm thinkin' it's physically impossible to photograph a bent out of shape hornet. I don't know why that bug was so mad but we ran in circles around the yard a few times before I beat a hasty retreat into the house. He bounced off the storm door a couple of times before taking off into the Woods. It was a good 5 minutes before I ventured back out onto the porch to retrieve my phone, camera and completely cold cup of coffee. I abandoned all in my hornet induced tizzy. Now, we're supposed to look for the positive in all things, right? Who says so!? Ok. Ok. Let's see if I can find anything positive about being chased by ticked off hornet first thing in the morning. Working on it... Pondering it... Beginning to think the "Who" in "who says so" are imbeciles... wait... I got it! I found a positive! Two, actually! First, I am now thoroughly awake and second, I still got the Spider Dance moves. :)
A wish for you my beloved fellow travelers, May the angry hornets in life always be far far away, but if not, may you always possess the moves to avoid them!