It's a really nice day out today and I've done nuttin' but watch TV. Daredevil to be precise. Kinda binge watching it the last few days. I finally stepped outside for a moment. The Front Porch weather right now is... wait for it... still loading... phone service is so bad here... There it is! 65 degrees, 3 mph winds, 68% humidity and, wait... what!?... Overcast skies!? Oh goody! I love it when this happens! Ahem... LIARS!!!!! Oooo! Look at that! I can scream my favorite epithet so much louder here! Not only in caps but bold AND underlined!!! Never did figure out how to do that in a text. Anyway, overcast is it?! I see NOTHING but clear blue skies. Not even a wisp of a cloud. Wow... the sky is so pretty right now... ok, sparkly. Where was I before being distracted? Oh yeah, the We-Guessers. I tell ya, when the Weather-Guessers get it wrong they sure get it WRONG... Wow. That sky. I should get my camera... again with the sparkly... moving on now. Today the weather picture isn't today's weather picture. Although, that sky sure deserves it's picture taken... SPARKLY!... enough already! Since I had no visitors this morning I thought I would introduce you to one of the resident crows at work. He or she allowed me to snap this picture a few days ago while he or she waited patiently for me to toss one of my crackers and a raisin his or her way. He or she knew I would share because I have been leaving him or her and his or her fellow crows snacks for the better part of a year now. This crow in particular is comfortable enough to fly in and land within 10 or 15 feet of me. He or she is a most beautiful bird. I look forward to his or her visit everyday when I'm at work. I must be off now. Things to do... Places to be... you know the drill. May your day be filled with beauty and happiness my fellow travelers, and enjoy the Sparklys when they catch your eye!