Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Toodles and Travelers

I got a picture of Twitchy!! It's not a good picture but out of the 56 shots I took this one is the only one not completely blurred. The little guy never sits still for a second. He's so dinky! About the size of a chipmunk. He's out and about foraging for his breakfast this fine morning while I am enjoying the 63 degree weather. It's sprinkling ever so slightly. But not enuf to discourage me from enjoying the morning or Twitchy from his foraging. And there is a subtle breeze making the air feel oh so good on the Front Porch. That's it. That's all I got. May your days be filled with sensory wonders and your senses be awake to enjoy! Love to you all my fellow travelers! ... travellers?.. travelers?... Google Time! Ok, another word that is correctly spelled two different ways. And again, it depends on which side of the Atlantic you're on. One L in the US, two L's in the UK. Really? As if the English language isn't difficult enuf already! Humphf... Oh, sorry. Still workin' on it. Toodles!... tootles?... toodles?... *heavy sigh*... back to Google... Ok, toodles is a slang way to say goodbye, most likely derived from the French À toute à l'heure. Tootles is a character in Peter Pan. A rather interesting character, I might add, who has somehow managed to escape my attention. Having read and watched Peter Pan, where was I in all that reading and watching that I not remember Tootles!? My brain is a mystery to me and yet, there I reside...