Good morning from the Front Porch. Nuttin'. I got nuttin'. To the archives...
Jan 24, 2016
14° of wind chilled 4 degree air. And I'm feeling all 4 degrees of it. A 7
mph breeze has my wind chimes making the most beautiful music. The only other
sound is the wind singing thru the pines... and the tea pot whistling to
let me know I can make a cup of coffee now. Honestly, the teapots voice
is not one that will win ANY awards of praise EVER. It may have a
chance at the Angry Duck Award for most grating voice of the year, but
my alarm clock consistently wins that one. That's because, as grating a
sound as it may be, I listen with eagerness for the teapots serenade in
the mornings regardless of how putrid my coffee. I can't say the alarm clock has ever been a pleasure to
listen for or wake up to. E-V-E-R. I'm gonna go finish my laundry now.
Just thought you might want to know that. I mean, really, using the
weather as a means to strike up a conversation is a time honored tactic.
Bringing up the laundry... that's just desperation. Adieu.
"Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while,
you could miss it." Ferris Bueller. And if you haven't seen Ferris
Bueller, you're missin' out!!! ☺