Monday, June 27, 2016

Heebie-Jeebie Scale

As blurry as it is, this is the first image I've managed to capture of one of the many variety of pterosaurs patrolling the area around the Front Porch lately. Blasted thing chased me into the car yesterday. I was scrutinized through the windshield long enough to make me wonder if I was supposed to be lunch or if I was just being terrorized for sport. I am torn as to how to categorize this particular beastie. It hovers in size between Pteranodon and Quetzalcoatlus and it's ability to wreak terror in the hearts of humans is high on the Heebie-Jeebie Scale. Here I sit, almost 24 hours later, thanking any of the Powers That May Be who might choose to listen, for the invention of houses, windows with screens and the plethora of pest control options at our disposal. Not to mention the ability and talent to spontaneously engage in one of the gazillion known Spider Dances at a split seconds notice. Over it now. Almost. The weather is grand again today. Currently we are enjoying 65 degrees, 76% humidity with beautiful blue skies and 6 mph breezes. A great day to go outside and set myself up for yet another rendition of the Spider Dance. Well... I suppose we gotta get our exercise somehow. May your days be as heebie-jeebie free as possible, my beloved Travelers, unless, of course, you need the exercise! :)